I've been busy... haven't got much time.
As always get the demo here: http://theoremgame.weebly.com/
-added full screen map back into pause screen
-forest dungeon floor made lighter
-map updated with surrounding lighter water, subte glows, fake DOF
-added in map character token, aligned map token to location positions
-changed stats to score values (calculated from stats)
-moved level name into stats window, prefaced with 'location:'
-added in red arrow, red arrow bounces over map character
-rerendered hero establishing shot with correct plant materials
-moved magnatite image to end game screen
-changed all sound fx to z's sound fx (use any sound fx you can)
-changed all temp music to magnatite music
-put together new public DEMO (whoohoo!)
-collected all working cinematic files into one directory inside of project
-reorg'd cinematics folder into current project, archived backups
-revised map image, intro cinematic
-created 'music by magnatite' image for end game screen (using as temp loading screen for now)
-modified main menu screen's way of collecting videoPlayer's texture (moved from draw to update to combat stuttering)
-fixed bug where spamming start stuck main menu screen
-worked on intro cinematic, revised island/map image (for hours)
-play tested on xbox360, found multiple bugs, fixed multiple bugs
-a button no longer bounces on message screen
-made menu items like menu items on new game screen, individual with A button selection
-removed ability to select exit, added B button sprite to signify 'press B to exit map'
-TONS of work on map screen
-created objectives screen (overlay screen like are you sure)
-story checkpoint determines objectives displayed
-changed options screen to overlay with semi-transparent black background
-centered options screen UI elements
-made new game screen's exit menu item represented by B button, non-selectable as well
-created routines to handle Demo/Release
-changed music - no more start dungeon music, chasing music
-able to inspect complete prison doors, cues popup of being able to break them down
-added popup 'You hear a villianous laugh in the distance..' to final level
-various level updates
-added prison doors to demo image, rerendered, updated in game
-added additional images to intro cinematic
-cant block on demo levels
-various updates to lootmanager, hud, player input
-tested latest version to xbox
-added 2nd player 'possess' action window
-added 2nd player nearby check for dead enemies to possess
-poofs, sound fx occur when ghost friend 1 teleports
-updated AIcomponent routines
-completed first iteration of 2nd player possession and input (multiplayer!)
-refactored player input to respect party leader + party, ghost friend + possessed actor
-player shouldn't collide with actors on draw list that are allies (enemy boolean)
-this allows player to walk though possessed actors (they can do the same)
-a TON of various work on input, possession
-set possessed actor's attack pause to 0 upon possession
-more updates to AI
-possessed actors can attack game objs
-enemies target and attack possessed actors as well
-enemies sort allies and only attack closest one
-select leader screen player input shows hp sprite of possessed actor
-fixed bug with possessed actor resetting to idle mid animation
-added killing off possessed actor with B button
-fixed bug with drawing possessed actor's attack rec
-possessing and killing actors cause poof fx
-increased ghosts zOffset
-updated code to allow ghost friend to possess any enemy except some bosses
-created end game cinematic screen
-reduced waiting time from killing piras till this screen cues
-worked on tracking enemy/ally deaths/kills
-changed end game screen 1 to game stats recap
-changed 2nd end game screen to be temp achievements screen
-added spike trap objs: idleSpikeTrap, spikeTrap
-idle spike trap is empty gameObj, spike trap is spikes sprite with collision
-spikes jump up from land tiles, hit once, then go away
-randomly pops up just like saw, added into party leader's collision check
-added poofs to guardian's mouth when arrow is shot
-fixed bug showing action window when party leader is dead
-relocated guardian statue in spirte sheet for better packing
-added guardian statues 2 & 3, shoot east and west arrows, added to desert dungeon
-added additional desert, ice pillars
-changed level songs
-added in reviving party members - revive materia now obselete
-modified traps in desert dungeon based on playtesting
-modified forest, ice dungeons
-began working on 2nd player possession - 2nd action window working
-added thug to forest dungeon, ice temple, path1
-updated attack fx for most enemies
-fixed bug with ball lightning creating constant collision poofs
-created kingsnake desert boss, added class def, checked into editor
-added to desert temple
-fixed long standing bug with projectile collisions not tracking perfectly
-created 'swinging axe' trap object
-created 'saw on track' trap object
-created 'temple guardian' statue that randomly shoot arrows from it's mouth, faces NWE
-added traps to Switches and Traps list in editor
-temple guardian shoots arrows from it's mouth (south)
-saw randomly jumps out of idle, upon animation return to idle, deals damage correctly
-cut/removed trap floor tiles & pit of spikes
-swinging axe to swings correctly, deals damage correctly, added to desert dungeon
-redesigned forest, desert, ice dungeons
-fixed long standing bug with some dungeon doors not aligning properly on Y axis
-created Piras' lair, linked up
-made desert dungeon darker
-added additional magnitite MUSIC for all levels in game
-added allies running around instead of standing still
-changed allies join dialog
-added basic enemies to all levels
-added barrels to all levels
-added house to path1 - this is bombsmith's house
-added trader to every town (forest, theif, desert, ice)
-created, added THUG/heavy actor
-worked on editing rest of levels
-linked up all story levels according to map
-created dungeon level defs, added to level manager
-added into load level check
-added to editor load levels screen, linked up exit/spawn points
-tested progression between levels
-divided up game obj master list into sub lists
-created sub obj button in editor, linked up buttons to sub obj lists
-fixed next/prev button overflow checks for each obj master list
-fixed obj clone routines to check for all master lists as well
-added sand dune game objs 1-4 (3&4 suck)
-completed bounds for all levels
-fixed bug with editor not saving fx events correctly
-fixed bug with destroyed bed object
-worked on editing levels: pys' tent, forest town, forest path, theif caves 1, 2, forest temple
-revised skeleton actor enemy
-gold key is NOT used up after unlocking a door, updated description in inventory screen
-created bones 1-8, ribcages 1-4, skulls 1-4, pile of skulls
-removed winter ladder
-fixed bug with NPCs loading textures from bkg sheet instead of game texture
-modified bush collapse to not create additional game object
-created crate, collapsing crate, collapsed crate, collapsing barrel
-setup animations for collapsing barrels and crates
-added in attacking crate objs
-added 'collapse' check into level manager's 4th update bucket, collapsing barrels and crates
-changed z sort on pile of skulls
-created, added to game pools of blood 1-8
-removed long table, horizontal bed game objs
-moved chairs to house sprite area, updated gameObjs
-created destroyed objs: table, fencees, bed, chair
-added in ability to destroy gameobjs: bed, table, fence objs, chairs
-update inventory screen description of key
-added bouncing A button on message screen back in
-fixed bug with destroyed object's z depth sort
-redesigned kidnapper's dungeon
-created 'light from open door' object to signify exit from dungeon
-moved cactus over above tents making room fore 3x3 shelf system
-created & added: kidnapper's dungeon entrance, forest pyramid, forest pillar, w/ skull, & destroyed pillar
-added ability to hit pillar into destroyed state
-changed 'read' to 'inspect' for all pop up messages
-redesigned forest path 1
-added squat on command by pressing in left joystick or Q key (for teaBagging/danceParty purposes)
-created additional sprite sheets for main hero (unarmed, dagger, sword, shield)
-removed shelf from dungeon, not a dungeon object
-removed popup discussing changing party leaders
-moved NPCs to game texture sheet
-created prison cell doors, destruction of door, locked prison cell doors
-fixed bug with party leader dealing multiple attacks per single attack input command
-upgraded prison cell doors, own obj
-added prison cell doors, checked that they can be attacked and destroyed
-added intro text explaining how to attack, targeting prison cell bars
-set hit speed to fast for all hit states for all actors
-redesigned kidnapper's dungeon
-changed sprite sheet location of gold key
-removed ice temple locked door, replaced with prison locked door
-removed key boolean check in prep for multiple keys
-removed shadows from broken prison cell doors
-added button to editor to clear all enemies from current level
-removed all enemies in prep for actor IDs
-added IDs to all actors, added ID field to save routines
-game can now spawn specific loot based on actor ID
-gold key is spawned in start dungeon via prison guard ID == 99
-added description of 'magical' gold key to inventory screen
-made gold key generically open all locked doors, vanishes after use
-changed how doors are unlocked (searches inventory for a key upon collision
-changed HP bar sprite to be more apparent, easier to read
-removed unlocked prison door, becomes empty obj upon unlock
-locked prison door & prison cell doors now have collision recs relative to their size
-added story chapter shortcuts for fast testing
-added camera zoom in/out to min/max via holding Left Shoulder button
-added camera auto zoom back to 1.0f upon release of left shoulder button
-changed all music for game, added cinematic & new game screen music
-changed loading screen
-created spark cinematic screen, temp images for now
-added chapter loading routines for theorem game
-intro cinematic loads chapter 0, hero has no sword/shield
-spark cinematic loads chapter 1, hero has sword/shield
-texture manager loads correct hero texture based on game chapter
-level manager loads correct initial level based on game chapter
-created py's house with 0 spawn index inside house
-created fx event to cue spark cinematic on forest path 1
-loading theorem game collects game data inventory
-exiting theorem game clears game data inventory
-player inventory is saved in game data, preserved between cinematics
-removed harmonia from start dungeon
-fixed bug with saving/loading inventory
-successfully tested chapter0 to chapter1 progress
-linked up Py's house to forest path via exit
-checked spawns/exits between forest path and py's house
-removed background window list from new game screen, changed bkg images
-no sound for selecting menu on new game screen
-no sound for pressing start on main menu screen
-added menu sprite sheet * sprites to new game screen, redesigned new game screen
-fixed bug with cinematic occuring more than once
-added dialog window to start screen
-reorganized new game screen class fields
-latest version passes playthrough test on xbox 360 (no memory issues)
-completed version of establishing shot that is acceptable
-made forest dungeon darker overall
-refined intro cinematic
-rewrote main storyline, polishing, condensing
-added .isDisposed checks to all party member textures in prep for texture swapping
-added SwapTexture(int memberNumber, TextureState textureState) to textureManager
-basic texture swapping working in game
-pruning/reorganizing of tasks to focus on first 5-10 minutes of game
-created basic forest path level
-added forest path to level editor, load level screen
-created new story intro cinematic screen, works
-a button no longer bounces on message screen
-working on new cinematic
-rendered still frames with lots of DOF
-working on new cinematic
-decided to use still frames instead of animation
-working on new cinematic
-working on new cinematic
-working on new cinematic
-demo shares same new game background image as chapter 1 does
-removed faux trading with green woman
-verified all destroyed building floors, walls, ceilings existas gameObjs
-added destroyed door into editor
-fixed bug with debris floor tiles not getting randomized correctly
-added creation of destroyed buildings from destroyed floors (polishLevel() in levelManager.cs)
-added destroyed buildings into game, tested
-removed corner ceilings, in sheet and obj defs
-added blood obj to gameDefs, editor
-rewriting of storyline (big big big changes)
-created video and still cinematic screens to service storyline needs
-began working on new cinematic
-worked on chapter1 storyline, project scope (ch2 sidelined for now)
-battle subgame planned out (planned from 3/21-3/22)
-fixed bug with final boss not cueing end game event
-ghost friend can boost by pressing X
-fixed bug with Tyche's stab not doing damage
-finalized chapter1 level struture/connections
-fixed bug with queen spiders on caves2
-modification to bkgSheet (removed blood, added ocean, made dirt lighter)
-using temp coming soon image for ch2
-remade Forest Temple Entrance (added leaves)
-created chapter1 3d island (lots of work here), rendered image for paused/map screen
-updated inputHelper to pass party friends 2 & 3 input
-added new chapter1 image, level name window, level name to paused map screen
-added party member face to paused map screen
-setup basic alignment system based on level loaded
-created level defs for: the forest, path1, the desert, path2, winterPath1, winterPath2
-lightning no longer constantly spams 'poof' effect upon collision
-defending with a shield against projectiles should stop damage unless ball lightning
-fixed bug with projectiles bot killing allies (state lock & -1)
-made doors collision recs larger/wider (could drop items outside them)
-refactored dropObj() in lootManager to drop within a 70px radius around leader
-made hit state holds much shorter for all 75x75 actors
--- started on MULTIPLAYER - cause why not? ---
-removed all virtual states from input helper (not needed)
-refactored input helper to operate upon any controller input (1-4)
-added checks to main menu screen to set the 'game leader' based on controller connected and start pressed states
-removed some garbage creating code from image.cs
-screenmanager adds a disconnecected screen if controller becomes disconnected
-coded disconnected screen (fade in image, check for controller connection, fade out)
-tested new input routines, tested disconnecting controller(s) in various program states
-discovered a bug with hot swapping controller on windows7,
-sometimes windows doesn't recognize the controller immediately
-so windows installs drivers, etc.. then recognizes the controller
-then chooses a new player# to assign to the "new" controller
-verified by checking GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.____).IsConnected during hotswap testing
-no work around, disconnect screen makes a note of this bug instructing players to restart with controllers connected
-updated disconnect code to gracefully handle controller disconnect lock for windows (enter to continue)
-disconnectedScreen loads different images for xbox, windows
-expanded input helper to include 3 additional friend gamepad states + helper functions to check for pressed/released buttons
-added 'Check Player 2 Join Game Input' to TheoremGame.cs (press start to join)
-added 'Determine Party Friend 1 Input' to InputHelper.cs
-added 'GhostFriend1 UPDATE CHECKS' to player.cs
-added movement routines for ghostFriend1 to player.cs
-added ghostFriend1 teleport with Y button press
-added teleporting ghostFriend1 to leader's position upon level load
-adding 2nd player passes basic tests (pressing start, showing up, teleporting, collisions, movement)
-fixed bug with editor bypassing playerIndex (sets to 1)
-fixed bug with ghost initally not appearing
-fixed bug with ghost not resetting to idle like player
-ghost teleports to leader if too far away or off screen
-basic multiplayer passes initial tests!