Tons of work done!
A new version of the Demo is available:
You should leave me feedback.
-added new magnatite song 'archetype' into game
-fixed bug with purchasing bombs from trader
-additional leveling/mixing of sounds for game
-fixed bug with stats/leader screen not displaying luck & magic stats
-fixed bug with displaying action window for looting 2nd treasure chest
-created achievements manager, basic achievements, implemented and tested in game
-added achievements to end game screen for game recap
-added achievement points to game and save data
-added explosion radius gameObj for bomb objects
-modified explosion radius of bomb to match explosion radius sprite visual bounds
-added shelf destruction
-made new main menu video
-captured GIFs, uploaded various media to internet
-added choose leader screen music, end game music, changed in game music
-fixed bugs with choose leader screen
-TONS of work done to soundFX
-added thug destroyed sound
-added low health sound fx - repeats until hp is greater than 1
-changed game genie/wizard screen music
-in game left/right trigger calls 'quiet rumble sound'
-show HP bar when health is low
-barrels should spawn gold or hearts - never bombs or potions
-purchasing bombs adds them to your bomb collection, instead of pushing single obj to inventory
-added error sound (change this later, is LTTP sound)
-modified prices of items from trader
-created controller display system (shows what controller input in game HUD)
-updated HELP screen with color coded controller & keyboard
-added black smoke to standing fire game obj
-changed empty heart item to HP scroll item
-changed how loot is spawned from barrels, treasure chests
-added NPCs to start dungeon 1, introducing controls
-added trader NPC to start dungeon 2
-Aletheia takes reduced damage if blocking, depending on equipped defensive item
-added message popup when new members join the team
-fixed movement bugs with ghost friend 2
-polishing for new demo release
-fixed prices on trader's menu for bombs & shield
-fixed thumbstick input on choose leader screen loadout selection
-made flea attack radius smaller, hit rec larger
-added gears to main menu sprites
-changed end game screen to display image specific to beating demo
-changed generic loading screen image
-changed how end game stats are displayed
-planned out various hero images
-updated main menu sprites
-consolidated 8 perks into 5 bonuses, tied into game
-removed credits, replaced with ghost switch
-changed how game over occurs, created game over screen
-esc in game cues areYouSure screen
-modified forest dungeon entrance
-setup save data to use relative path instead of absolute path in prep for actual saving
-worked on centering camera on demo miniboss / endgame state
-changed demo levels to be dungeons 1 & 2
-fixed various bugs with various game over states
-seperated resetGame() and clearInput() methods
-a metric shit ton of polish
-completed working prototype of loadout screen, lots of work here
-rendered new images for choose leader screen
-changed ghost storyline/editor to start at pys cave
-looped choose leader screen input for both full game and demo
-changed background images, consolidated stats on choose leader screen
-added bouncing arrows for left/right selection near character for CL screen
-upgraded main menu screen background sprites (modeled, rendered)
-upgraded loading screen to display loading text, and change text upon load
-began work on upgrading choose character / loadout screen
-added ghost face to HUD
-fixed spawning issue with dead players
-upgraded load level screen to check for level name generically/by field
-added level count to metric collector
-created levels for overworld according to new map design
-checked, all storylines spawn correctly
-set different start messages for each storyline
-fixed editor zoom out button
-fixed bug with picking up hearts
-cannot load levels other than demo levels else cue win game
-select character is limited to two options in demo
-refined and polished DEMO levels
-upgraded how editor spawns dev player in game
-created tyche loading screen image
-changed how data is stored in game in prep for saving/checkpoints
-wrote save & load game methods (using serialized xml data)
-images on choose leader screen fade between choices
-updated loading screen to display different image based on storyline chosen
-updated choose leader menu to display character tokens & ghost
-worked on stat screen layout
-all actors now have luck, magic, speed, hp, attack stats
-fxManager.processDamagerEvent can now show 'miss' notifications for battles via null parameter passing
-added crit notifications to fxManager.processDamagerEvent
-added LUCK stats into battle manager calculations
-added MAGIC stat into magic recharge calculations, balanced magic recharge times
-planned out perks, companion, & starting inventory screen
-added simple backstorys to character select screen
-added ghosts to graveyard/levels
-added end game fx event (named 'piras')
-added popups for all sign posts in game
-more balancing on actor classes
-modified hit boxes on enemies to be easier to hit
-created aletheia loading screen image
-added easy/med/hard attributes to choose leader screen
-created harmonia loading screen image
-create gnosis loading screen image
-made main menu font larger, bold
-created choose actor screen (!!!)
-linked up/setup loading different game start points (!!!)
-changed intro text - 'You appear from the spirit plane...'
-party members start off as dead game objects, player starts off as ghost
-added dead member objs to levels at 0 spawn points
-actors stay with the level they die on
-changed NPC dialog to talk about bombing, asking for help
-consume should not popup for full hearts - should auto pickup if HP < maxHP
-added timed bombs to forest town again
-changed loading screen image
-added sounds to choose character screen
-added more treasure chests to demo later levels (graveyard, winter castle, ice dungeon)
-removed number of enemies on graveyard level
-fixed bug with dropping inventory and nulling out dead party members
-removed map from paused screen, modified layout of start menu & debug menu
-fixed bug with controls screen nat fading away
-made theives easier enemies to defeat
-removed levels getting cut, renamed levels being kept
-removed debris sprite data from winter tree
-replanned/revise demo design and gameplay
-created 7 new demo levels
-added all levels into metric collector
-linked up level exit/spawn events
-filled out levels with enemies
-filled out levels with lootables
-added 2nd treasure chest (gameobj, levelManager, player)
-created skeletal remains with blood
-NPCs destroyed to skeletal remains
-created & tested end game FX (time slows down, centers on boss, special death sound plays, dialog message cues)
-made end game FX & state generic (can be other boss/event/cue)
-bombs explode sooner
-redesigned demo town around piras confrontation
-added additional dialog popup, dead townsfolk
-created final boss battle events: changes music, cues message popup
-fixed bug with battle music stopping all music
-made message screen spell out the letters zelda style
-used sound fx for the text as well - zelda sounds
-various revisions to how end game plays out
-relocated dropInventory() method to inventoryManager
-buildings/houses collapse if bombed (walls, floors, ceilings)
-fixed bug with floor not getting destroyed properly
-fixed bug with bombs sometimes not exploding properly
-changed destroyed ceiling sprites to be ceiling rubble on ground
-collapsed ceiling have a chance to become ceiling rubble or nothing
-fixed bug with open door not collapsing
-trees become stumps when bombed
-added armed bomb gameojb in editor lootables - explodes when player gets near it
-changed level 2 (catacombs) to be part forest dungeon and part caves with in level tile transition
-changed how level2 connects to level3 - emerge from a cave into town
-armed bombs now explode based on ID
-organized editor input regions
-create a reset button for bombs in editor
-setup forest town with bombs that explode when player gets near
-arrows now omove based on their ID value (can move slower/faster easier)
-added glimmer sprite (fxmanager) to items that are on screen that can be picked up
-sort all game consumable items under player so squat animation makes sense
-fixed armed bombs to sort below player, like other game objs
-pressing enter @ main menu sets input to keyboard & controller 1
-created inventoryManager & invMan.equipActor()
-refactored inventoryScreen equip functionality into invMan.equipActor()
-setup autoequip weapon/defense item when player picks it up
-fixed bug with dropping inventory items and updating actor textures
-fixed bug with shield description
-created new loadLevel screen based on wizard screen for editor
-created clear level routine in editor
-added catacombs level
-built catacombs level
-connected start dungeon to catacombs, catacombs to forest town
-included catacombs in demo level load check
-add all party members to start dungeon
-all party member should start off as dead
-rebuilt ForestTown1
-plugged catacombs & forest town into game analysis, generated new report for demo
-demo now at 33,60 sq feet (0.75 acres) with 100 enemies/253 barrels/5 treasure chests/17 other items
-fixed major bug wth wmv crashing the game upon game losing focus
-released to web
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
There has been much progress...
A new version of the Demo is available:
You should leave me feedback.
-fixed bug with switching between leaders clearing out equipped objs
-fixed bug with loading harmonia's spritesheet
-fixed bug with HUD not properly reflecting equipped item upon leader switch
-moved saveLevel() from editorInput to saveLevelComponent.saveLevel()
-created metric collector.cs, collects data about levels and game, writes data to file
-conducted first data analysis of game including level sq. foot, enemies, items, lines of code
-fixed various bugs after playtesting with Z
-updated fxManager.processDamageEvent to display a "+" or "-" before damage notification text
-updated weapon descriptions to reflect actual damage values used in game calculations
-added key to editor
-took notes from vlambeer art of screenshake video
-added camera teleport to level manager upon level load
-added camera lerp following after and between party members
-reorganized camera2d, removed various methods and functions that weren't being used
-bombs shake camera, getting hit shakes camera
-bombs collapse locked doors to rubble, fixed visual bug with open prison doors
-shake camera a little when shooting arrows & magic items too
-added texturemanager.UpdateHarmoniaTexture() in prep for equipping items for 2nd party member
-created battleManager to handle all battle calculations, linked into theoremGame.cs
-condensed 2 different attackActor() methods from player and aiComponent into battleManager.attackActor()
-migrated attackGameobj() into battleManger from player
-migrated dropInventory() into battleManager from aiComponent
-migrated aiComponent from levelManager to TheoremGame (top level manager)
-harmonia should have unarmed texture sheet, should start unarmed
-setup being able to equip harmonia with staff
-when an actor dies, their texture sheet swaps to unarmed (since inventory drops)
-select leader screen stays up until camera is on target of leader - fixes bug with getting stuck in walls
-fixed bug with harmonia dropping items and loaded texture
-fixed bug with inventory screen not properly displaying equip text for harmonia + staff
-changed level manager to load level in a generic way
-changed definitions of all levels so they will load correctly
-changed save level routines in editor
-changed how death sounds are handled in game
-changed ghost movement speed to slow, changed player2's movement speed to fast to keep up with party
-fixed bug with revive bringing far away party members back to life
-organizing and documenting fx manager in prep for additional fx events
-updated you quit/game over screen image
-added 'credits' to game, start with 2, allows player to become party ghost, cues game over screen
-added popup text to death to show how many credits are left
-cut barrel break sound, staff swing sound to make shorter/spammable
-fixed bug with AI not targeting leader, only targeting party member 1
-fixed bug with inventory screen not properly describing how to equip and drop weapons
-created heal spell in fxManager.processMagicEvent()
-moved heal/revive sprite fx to fxManager.processSpriteEvent()
-updated loot manager to spawn shields and healing materiafrom treasure chests
-fixed bug with enemies attacking party ghost
-fixed bug with death notification
-changed how damage text is faded out, lasts a little while longer, is easier to read
-created wizard image, created wizard screen, added input functionality
-created first cheat for game via wizard input password, tested
-added additional rotating elements to main menu
-revised main menu video
-added 4th gravestone gameobj
-refined graveyard level
-added additional gravestones
-removed other enemies from this level, only skeletons
-added dungeon entrance on level - doesn't work for now
-created grass to desert transition level like map shows
-completed equipping items for Aletheia: sword, dagger, unarmed with or without a shield
-added hand icon for actors with weapons
-updated HUD manage to correctly display equipped weapons/defensive items
-continued working on theorem main menu overlay
-created wizard character, created wizard screen (unsure and on hold for now)
-nulled out input for 2nd menu item (coming soon)
-created proper exiting state for main menu screen
-added enter skip to intro video screen
-changed sprite.cs to actually factor in rotation for draw method
-created animated main menu overlays
-main menu text should appear only if window is in open state
-switched music out to only use demo music from aaron paul low
-changed text from '______ has joined your party' to "Someone has joined the party..."
-fixed sorting bug with traps
-updated main menu video
-pump color + 10-20 on gameplay
-added aletheia running through spider caves
-added team running through ice dungeons
-extended timing of cast animation introduction
-shortened timing of red stone on screen
-worked on initial sketches for theorem main menu overlay
-changed AI to target players only
-created easier to read Theorem logo, cut edges off of O, extended the T on the left, tightened tracking
-created symbols for different factions
-redesigned main menu to not be big and stupid
-removed game.difficulty - no longer hard or normal options
-removed all old bkg sprites from main menu
-created, loaded new main menu sheet in main menu screen
-removed 'press start' MM text
-fixed sorting of bombs
-rendered main menu with updated logo
-recorded walking around in levels as various characters for main menu intro
-edited together new main menu video based on music
-no text initially, anykey or button press cues start menu
-allow movement between menu items via up/down
-added timed animation 'in/out' of menu screen via sprite current frame and update
A new version of the Demo is available:
You should leave me feedback.
-fixed bug with switching between leaders clearing out equipped objs
-fixed bug with loading harmonia's spritesheet
-fixed bug with HUD not properly reflecting equipped item upon leader switch
-moved saveLevel() from editorInput to saveLevelComponent.saveLevel()
-created metric collector.cs, collects data about levels and game, writes data to file
-conducted first data analysis of game including level sq. foot, enemies, items, lines of code
-fixed various bugs after playtesting with Z
-updated fxManager.processDamageEvent to display a "+" or "-" before damage notification text
-updated weapon descriptions to reflect actual damage values used in game calculations
-added key to editor
-took notes from vlambeer art of screenshake video
-added camera teleport to level manager upon level load
-added camera lerp following after and between party members
-reorganized camera2d, removed various methods and functions that weren't being used
-bombs shake camera, getting hit shakes camera
-bombs collapse locked doors to rubble, fixed visual bug with open prison doors
-shake camera a little when shooting arrows & magic items too
-added texturemanager.UpdateHarmoniaTexture() in prep for equipping items for 2nd party member
-created battleManager to handle all battle calculations, linked into theoremGame.cs
-condensed 2 different attackActor() methods from player and aiComponent into battleManager.attackActor()
-migrated attackGameobj() into battleManger from player
-migrated dropInventory() into battleManager from aiComponent
-migrated aiComponent from levelManager to TheoremGame (top level manager)
-harmonia should have unarmed texture sheet, should start unarmed
-setup being able to equip harmonia with staff
-when an actor dies, their texture sheet swaps to unarmed (since inventory drops)
-select leader screen stays up until camera is on target of leader - fixes bug with getting stuck in walls
-fixed bug with harmonia dropping items and loaded texture
-fixed bug with inventory screen not properly displaying equip text for harmonia + staff
-changed level manager to load level in a generic way
-changed definitions of all levels so they will load correctly
-changed save level routines in editor
-changed how death sounds are handled in game
-changed ghost movement speed to slow, changed player2's movement speed to fast to keep up with party
-fixed bug with revive bringing far away party members back to life
-organizing and documenting fx manager in prep for additional fx events
-updated you quit/game over screen image
-added 'credits' to game, start with 2, allows player to become party ghost, cues game over screen
-added popup text to death to show how many credits are left
-cut barrel break sound, staff swing sound to make shorter/spammable
-fixed bug with AI not targeting leader, only targeting party member 1
-fixed bug with inventory screen not properly describing how to equip and drop weapons
-created heal spell in fxManager.processMagicEvent()
-moved heal/revive sprite fx to fxManager.processSpriteEvent()
-updated loot manager to spawn shields and healing materiafrom treasure chests
-fixed bug with enemies attacking party ghost
-fixed bug with death notification
-changed how damage text is faded out, lasts a little while longer, is easier to read
-created wizard image, created wizard screen, added input functionality
-created first cheat for game via wizard input password, tested
-added additional rotating elements to main menu
-revised main menu video
-added 4th gravestone gameobj
-refined graveyard level
-added additional gravestones
-removed other enemies from this level, only skeletons
-added dungeon entrance on level - doesn't work for now
-created grass to desert transition level like map shows
-completed equipping items for Aletheia: sword, dagger, unarmed with or without a shield
-added hand icon for actors with weapons
-updated HUD manage to correctly display equipped weapons/defensive items
-continued working on theorem main menu overlay
-created wizard character, created wizard screen (unsure and on hold for now)
-nulled out input for 2nd menu item (coming soon)
-created proper exiting state for main menu screen
-added enter skip to intro video screen
-changed sprite.cs to actually factor in rotation for draw method
-created animated main menu overlays
-main menu text should appear only if window is in open state
-switched music out to only use demo music from aaron paul low
-changed text from '______ has joined your party' to "Someone has joined the party..."
-fixed sorting bug with traps
-updated main menu video
-pump color + 10-20 on gameplay
-added aletheia running through spider caves
-added team running through ice dungeons
-extended timing of cast animation introduction
-shortened timing of red stone on screen
-worked on initial sketches for theorem main menu overlay
-changed AI to target players only
-created easier to read Theorem logo, cut edges off of O, extended the T on the left, tightened tracking
-created symbols for different factions
-redesigned main menu to not be big and stupid
-removed game.difficulty - no longer hard or normal options
-removed all old bkg sprites from main menu
-created, loaded new main menu sheet in main menu screen
-removed 'press start' MM text
-fixed sorting of bombs
-rendered main menu with updated logo
-recorded walking around in levels as various characters for main menu intro
-edited together new main menu video based on music
-no text initially, anykey or button press cues start menu
-allow movement between menu items via up/down
-added timed animation 'in/out' of menu screen via sprite current frame and update
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