Thursday, February 20, 2014

ChangeLog update

Here is more raw 'done' data to gawk at:

-took screenshots of new levels, prepped images for posting to website & devblog
-added barrel break, dungeon switch, arrow shot sounds
-changed chicken sound to be silent wave
-changed all sounds used in game to be wavs (no mp3s)
-turned down music, adjusted sound fx levels
-centered restart text
-installed and tested msi afterburner for full frame 50fps HD video screen capture (works great, better than camtasia)
-updated website, dev blog

-fixed long standing bug with hud manager counting hearts and player HP WRONG
-fixed longstanding bug with inventory not using/dropping 4 inventory item
-Remade intro text as a static one time message screen when Game first runs (this is no longer a popup event)
-fixed bug where bushes were created instead of empty hearts when player was at max health
-fixed harmonia's attack recs to only be one frame
-added 1 hp to all actors initial health, making a total of 3 starting hearts
-reworked animation on action window, custom in/out sprites
-removed dialog pointer sprite from sheet
-added fxManager.playerDroppedObj(GameObject droppedObj), which adds a gameObj to theLevel.gameObjList
-added to player.cs check for collisions with empty hearts (pick up items from theLevel.gameObjList)
-added code to inventoryScreen so that we are using the fxMan.dropObj method instead of fxMan.spawnLoot method
-added code to fxMan.dropObj to create new gameObj for addition to gameObjList (due to the theListObj being an instance of an inventoryObj)
-gameObjs dropped by the player are now persistent and stay until picked back up
-updated player.cs picking up gameObjs, no checks for individual items, generic gameObj handling
-hearts and empty hearts no longer animated, just single frame sprites, saves much room
-planning of magic system/types/menu implementation/carrying/equipping complete
-planning of balancing, random loot, loot types/rarity complete
-planning of equipment, equipping/carrying equipment as inventory complete
-initial planning of gold currency
-massive art planning of mini bosses, overhaul of enemy sprite sheet planned as well
-changed support screen art to mini boss concept art
-changed loading screen to generic spaceview

-removed fx events, loot events from editor
-updated editor to handle resizing of all event rectangles
-added bouncing A button to MessageScreen, changed all button styles
-dropped message regarding locked doors, only sound plays now
-implemented optimization in player class (only checks actor collisions from level.drawList instead of entire level.actorList)
-created action window class
-action window class should have an instance that lives in player class
-sent actor dialog to messageScreen instead of dialog window
-created collision and proximity checks to cue action window for actors and exit events
-exit events are now an action item - player chooses to exit the level by pressing A
-popup events are now an action item too - player 'reads' by pressing A
-removed message manager class from game - superseded by action window class
-fixed party Members popping up floating dialog sprites (should be message screen)
-all game messages now routed to messageScreen
-added A button sprite to action window class
-created string to display various text on interaction (interact, read, exit)
-(kinda) fixed rendering bug where float position would render text strangely (rounded float whole number)
-re-redesigned AXBY buttons
-When touching a treasure chest, game now displays 'Loot' action window
-implemented code for "press A to open treasure chest"
-updated locked doors to display 'Locked' as action item window text
-updated check collision.rectangle against TheGame.levelManager.gameObjDrawList instead of theLevel.gameObjList
-updated A action in player.cs to check against lvlManager.drawLists instead of theLevel.completeLists
-updated A action to compare drawList switches to completeList switch doors (for opening switch doors)
-readded collision rec checks for invisible wall boundaries for some doors/exits (otherwise you walk into black infinity)
-remade dungeon exit collision rec to be centered to ground entrance
-fixed a bug with treasure chests that wouldn't popup action window (had to do with how action window is closed & boolean)
-Treasure chests are no longer animated (in prep for multiple treasure chest sprites)

-created message screen class (lower thirds black bar with text)
-added line wrapping, centering method for text, fade between text, to msgScrn
-removed loot events and fx events (these are handled differently now)

-Gold key given out deep in the ice temple, behind switch #2, from a chest
-Gold key unlocks Ice Temple Door
-removed all animated townfolks sprite data, repacked townsheet people into bkg sheet
-removed townsheet from texture manager, game (game now at est. 224mb ram)
-simplified all town actors to basic NPC (facing south) definition
-centered the adventurer's tale text on the end screen
-made cave floor more brown in color (closer to big rock color)
-Fixed defense check, can only defend against one direction
-updated AIcomponent & Player's attackActor() methods to check defense states
-refactored fxmanager's update to use checkProjectileCollision()
-projectiles are collision checked upon creation (resolves bug with new projectiles not hitting)

-completed end game screen, added 'you won' image
-added kickstarter image after won/quit image, code to handle transitions/fade sequentially
-reworked main menu screen & intro video, recompressed at lower bitrate for xbox360 playback
-changed loading screen imagery to more cosmic visuals
-created WON background image, reworked QUIT image
-reworked the end game screen to present a 'tale' about the player
-removed soul enemy
-added gnosis, tyche
-removed soul actor definition
-removed soul actor sprite sheet
-added enemies to dungeons, caves
-added treasure chests to dungeons, towns, caves
-only swordsmen defend now, theives/rogues do not attack
-the demo is very difficult to beat, and there are no mini bosses yet

-created original vectors of Standing Fire, and Fireballs
-created version 1 end game you quit image, added to end game screen

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