Here is the change log (so far) for update
-removed fence gate gameobjects (closed & open)
-added new snow texture to snow land tiles
-removed carried bush sprite from sprite sheet
-created piles of snow 1, 2, snow rubble 1, 2
-piles of snow create a poof object, turn into snow rubble 1 or 2 upon cut
-fixed forest switch
-added desert switch, ice switch
-removed option to create on switches
-added collision check code for other dungeon switches
-levels linked up via exits and spawn events
-checked demo on xbox360, can complete game from start to finish
-created initial version of 'action window' sprite
-created mega rocks, reworked rock material/scene
-simplified a prototype NPC actor to barebones definition (removed animation states)
-megarocks 1-4 added into game, added to sand town
-added big cacti, cut cacti, small cacti 1, 2
-reordered editor game obj masterlist
-added cutting cacti functionality to player class
-created/redesigned sand town
-updated editor 'doors' creation routines to handle additions to door masterlist generically
-added desert temple entrance A&B, along with small pyramids to sand town
-big fir and sm fir added to game editor and winter town
-added ice well ladder, winterTower, winterVertWall, winterGate
-added winterHoriWall, winterNorthEndCap, winterSouthEndCap, winterEastEndCap
-added winterWestEndCap, ice temple entrance
-created/redesigned winter town
-added definitions for desert and ice temples (45+ gameobject definitions, alot of copy&paste)
-updated level decimate and polish methods to handle desert & ice dungeon tiles
-created basic layouts for forest, desert, ice dungeon levels
-basic 8 demo levels completed (!!!)
-implemented .dispose() upon loaded songs
-swordsmen have slower attack, smaller attack radius, longer attack pause (they were brutal)
-updated core engine to allow for throttling of level actorsList animation & updates (faster gameplay, enemies, allies)
-realized this throttling allowed for a unique 'time slowdown' effect, plans made for Time Hyle (materia)
-documented level manager
-added in cave tile sorting to level manager
-removed editor defs for all dungeon floor tiles except for 1
-redefined dungeon floor tile 1 to cell 5,25
-defined desert, ice dungeon floor tiles as well
-removed all levels, redefined entire demo level set (8 levels)
-load level screen handles all level instances
-level manager's load level check handles all level instances
-updated game over screen to restart game
-updated game to have a resetGame() method
-updated end game screen to reset game data, and .dispose of it's sound effect song as well
-party members that die now dissappear once you leave the level (they will have to be resurrected instead)
-this leads to a progression of Healing powers (heal, revive, resurrect)
-fixed bug with sound that led to play hit sound playing instead of hit shield sound
-fixed bug that would drop a heart when the player died, resulting in a health of 1, but also still dead
-modeled and rendered:
forest temple entrance, ladder, trap door ladder, desert temple, ice temple, ice well ladder,
big ice temple walls, gate, ice temple entrance, crumbled end caps, fir tree, fir bush,
desert pyramid entrance, small pyramid
-fixed bug in editor that drew asset viewer sprites over prev/next buttons, making it difficult to work
-added forest temple entrance, ladder, trap door ladder game objects
-remade Forest Town
-went to Magnatite show
-AI component's archer attack has smaller value for diagonal check
-AIcomponent checks between archer/piras/tyche and melee
-archer diagonal checks made even smaller
-Gnosis no longer state locks when trying to attack diagonally
-fixed long standing HP bug causing actors to only die when they have negative HP instead of 0 HP
-moved save game data into Game class, instead of TheoremGame class.
-TheoremGame is now destroyed before EndGameScreen is created.
-fixed bug tracking death in stats
-fixed major bug that caused end game screen to corrupt xbox
-re-re-redesigned the levels, now there are 10
-finalized the map and style
-version 0.0.48 released to inner circle
-removed walking sounds, ambient level sounds
-added 5 songs, processed as songs by mediaPlayer
-noticed the update clock go from 1ms to 14ms. UNACCEPTABLE!
-mediaPlayer code removed
-mono wavs @ 22050 used instead as soundEffect.fromStream
-Changed "todo sound" to be chicken sound
-rewrote how endgame is tracked
-rewrote how game stats are tracked
-end game screen STILL BRICKS xbox 360 to black screen, no input (total crash)
-fixed Pause screen bug pushing audio to 100% volume
-Tyche fires faster, animation is faster
-Archers fire slightly faster too
-noticed archer AI completely messes up melee AI, will need to update AI
-want to expand/redesign base level system, making silver key optional, dungeons easier to access
-revised and mocked up illustrations for end game screen, will model and render later
-planned out low poly standing fire and fireball 'look'
-changed enemy count in dungeons, changed enemy search radius to combat off screen kills
-changed piras' maxHP, speed, attack, search radius
-updated Editor to handle gameobjects generically (easier to add new gameobjects)
-added new gameobjects: gravestones 1-3, bone piles 1&2
-completed v1 of The Graveyard, a sub area of Path1 containing ghosts, gravestones, and bones
-added critical path grey tiles for dungeon2
-added additional paths to path1
-created torch, stone lamp, & standing fire game objects, spread throughout dungeon levels
-created fireball gameobjects, piras casts fireballs now
-dead actors sort normally, no more conflicting overlap on ground layer
-changed Tyche's attack to originate from her animation state
-Added diagonal arrows & fireballs (fx manager, tyche, archer, piras)
-Updated input/player & AIcomponent to fire projectiles diagonally
-changed diagonal arrow collision recs to be small square cause I'm lazy it's somewhat accurate
-got music for game! planning of songs to levels done
-fixed minor Inventory Screen bug that drew a line of white pixels when empty sprites were scaled above 1.0
-added basic End Game Screen, tells player if they won or quit when quitting or defeating Boss
-added tracking of total time played in game
-added tracking of total enemies killed in game
-added tracking of total ally deaths in game
-added tracking of total chests looted in game
-completed initial planning of End Game screen v2 with background image
-aaaaaaaaaaand the games fixed on the xbox360 :) (out of memory error processing large town.cs level)
-added 4 townsfolk actors to town area, along with basic dialog
-added new enemy type: swordsman
-added new enemy type: archer
-filled out dungeon levels with tons of enemies
-added boss: piras, not fully functioning yet (no fire)
-added GODMODE to editor (invincibility and wall clipping)
-all level redesign complete, levels smaller, linked together by underground cave system
-fixed double level loading bug
-fixed level sorting bug
-fixed main menu input bug
-removed large, stupid, ugly dungeon entrance
-treasure chests now spawn loot based on their ID
-made 3d key game object, added to game spritesheet
-fx manager now spawns KEY based on chest ID 99 (flips Key Boolean too)
-key is shown as icon next to HUD on top left, drawn based upon Key Boolean
-player can now unlock locked door leading to dungeon1
-when player picks up key, message pops up telling them of it's importance
-when player collides with locked door, message pops up talking about locked door and needing key
-removed animated key sprite, only need the static key sprite
-gameobject IDs now control relationships between switches and switch doors in dungeons
-implemented multiple switches on dungeon level 1
-made other dungeon floor tiles better (art++)
-townsheet repacked
-aaaaaaand the game's broken on the xbox 360 :(
-created 6 of 8 levels - however, levels are too large and tedious to navigate
-redesign of demo levels commences, sigh
-addition of item description text to inventory screen
-completed pickup, use, drop inventory input events, new inventory screen fully integrated into game
-initial idea for help videos planned out
-changed select leader screen to be gold spinning upside down pyramid selector
-updated: select leader screen only shows up if at least two party members exist
-when a party member joins the team, a popup message displays their acquisition
-popup.cs class updated to handle transitioning party leader into idle state
-fixed bug with inventory screen only using 1 inventory instead of each party member's inventory
-changed HUD to fade in, updated face & weapon HUD art for each party member, HUD icons change per party member
-minor art revisions
-redesigned demo dungeon levels 1 & 2 to better accomodate multiple playthroughs, more challenging
-added the basic 8 level definitions, linked up in level manager and editor
-rewrote paused screen class, added background window sprite
-rewrote debug/options screen class, added background window sprite
-created 'are you sure' screen, warning the player that game progress will be lost upon quit
-worked on seamless transition from AreYouSure screen to MainMenu screen
-revised graken studios intro video, trimmed it down, pleased with animated text effect
-fixed minor issue with popup class, glitched background sprites at 0,0
-revised title screen animation timing, faster in/out text animation
-re-org of cinematics into separate directory, dev folder now 730mb
-initial planning/sketches of potential 'overworld map' art style
-wrote inventory screen 2, 8 diamond sprites surround the player now
-feature planning for completed
-fixed bug that would crash program if start or enter buttons were spammed constantly at title screen
-implemented save state in game.cs
-fixed longstanding defense bug having to do with state transitions to and from idle
-rewrote keyboard input, changed keyboard control scheme
-Version published
-Change log created upon this public release.
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