Friday, May 23, 2014

Quality ++

Lots of exciting stuff happening!

Just posted a new version of the Demo to the website:
Go there, view media, download and play the game, leave me feedback.

As always, the changelog:
-media dump for reddit/website

-working on main menu images

-working on main menu images

-fixed major bug with AI targeting party members instead of player
-fixed bug with spike traps not animating
-added additional sounds to main menu
-additional planning of main menu images

-fixed dropping bomb collection, picking up bomb collection, merging bomb collections
-fixed explosions on bomb - represent bomb explosion radius better
-bombs hit multiple objects, actors before expiring
-fixed bug with input allowing control of hero & ghost friend
-fixed bug with main menu audio carrying over into other screens
-changed loading screen image
-removed intro cinematic all together
-'enemy chase sound' occurs if certain human enemies spot player
-changed barrel break sound
-added collapse sound for doors
-added center explosion sprite for bomb
-changed destruction routines to route into player.attackGameObj - reusing a ton of code
-changed spike trap idle game obj, added strike fx to spike trap
-updated start dungeon with additional wings, more gore overall
-balanced enemy actors HP

-better packed help/controls sprite
-Harmonia starts the game dead, must be revived
-fixed bug with inventory description and un-equippable items
-added health potions to lootables in editor
-removed HUD hearts from game sheet
-added full heart to lootables in editor
-standard loot rarely spawns full hearts
-added 'consume' action popup to full heart objs
-moved popup message to leader face on HUD
-reworked various popup text throughout game to be first person
-! sprite should become ? sprite if player is colliding with a popup message event
-joystik squats north now
-changed revive magic sprite to harder edged style
-created bomb, manyBomb, armedBomb sprites, packed into game texture sheet
-added bombs to editor, added bombs to inventory description
-added bombs to equip/use, linked up dropping armed bombs to game grid through lootManager
-updated level manger to remove any empty game objs from level obj list during sort routine
-updated HUD to display bomb, bombCollection
-modified routines to add/remove bombs into inventory bomb collections
-wrote number of bombs (in bomb collection) to inventory description screen of bomb item
-only single bombs can be created/picked up/dropped
-bombs blink longer, destroy doors, enemies, player
-bombs spawn randomly from barrels, crates, dead enemies
-added health potions into standard loot spawning
-added additional temp soundFX: pickup item, drop item, drop gold, bomb exploding, bomb drop
-soundFX: ally joins party, dagger stab, punch, pause on/off modified
-soundFX: popup sound, menu up, quit
-revised standard loot spawn rates
-fixed bugs with debug screen
-playtesting on xbox, various bugs documented

-fixed bug with background music mute/unmute
-added new objective 'Escape the dungeon' popup upon game start
-increased running movement speed
-saving people should use the treasure chest opening sound
-removed blocking popup explaining how to change party members
-removed Harmonia from Forest Dungeon
-joystick in (teabag) is now south squat only
-HUD should display 'X' where Aletheia's shield should be if unequipped
-projectiles pass thru switches, venom pools, traps
-ball lightning destroyed upon contact with game objs, but not actors (still can hit multiple)
-created equipped weapon game objs in player class
-created gameobj definitions for basic weapons (dagger, sword, shield, staff, bow)
-added all weapons to inventory upon start for testing
-added descriptions for all items to inventory screen
-changed gold key description
-tested describing, dropping, picking up weapons
-'equipped' items do not drop from inventory, just copied into equipped slot
-when item is dropped, if equipped item is same, equipped is set to empty (item is dropped & unequipped)
-changed item description to use string builder instead of string
-much less ram is allocated and garbage collected from inventory screen class as a result
-Gnosis does not display his hands on HUD
-updated inventory screen to equip weapons based on weapon type and party leader type
-added error screen popup 'cannot equip weapon to character' - doesn't work
-wrote textureManager.UpdateAletheiaTexture(), which checks currrently equipped weapon
-updated HUD manager to draw sprites relative to hero type and equipped inventory
-dropping weapons removes them from your inventory (and updates the textures as well)
-checked equipping weapons, dealing damage
-equipping an item updates the description text for that item
-added dagger, sword, staff into treasure chest spawn routines
-updated AI to fix bug associated with insta enemy death and no drop of loot
-added additional game objs to editor's lootables list
-harmonia shouldn't run around, for now
-made start dungeon trap hallways easier
-added ability to drag game consumables to game editor
-fixed bug with 'interact' action window not displaying for allies
-fixed bug where dropping equipped item did not reset attack value
-fixed equip text to change depending upon equipped/not equipped
-updated gold's description text

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