Thursday, June 19, 2014

Major upgrades!

Tons of work done!

A new version of the Demo is available:
You should leave me feedback.

-added new magnatite song 'archetype' into game
-fixed bug with purchasing bombs from trader
-additional leveling/mixing of sounds for game
-fixed bug with stats/leader screen not displaying luck & magic stats
-fixed bug with displaying action window for looting 2nd treasure chest
-created achievements manager, basic achievements, implemented and tested in game
-added achievements to end game screen for game recap
-added achievement points to game and save data
-added explosion radius gameObj for bomb objects
-modified explosion radius of bomb to match explosion radius sprite visual bounds
-added shelf destruction
-made new main menu video
-captured GIFs, uploaded various media to internet

-added choose leader screen music, end game music, changed in game music
-fixed bugs with choose leader screen
-TONS of work done to soundFX
-added thug destroyed sound
-added low health sound fx - repeats until hp is greater than 1
-changed game genie/wizard screen music
-in game left/right trigger calls 'quiet rumble sound'
-show HP bar when health is low
-barrels should spawn gold or hearts - never bombs or potions
-purchasing bombs adds them to your bomb collection, instead of pushing single obj to inventory
-added error sound (change this later, is LTTP sound)
-modified prices of items from trader
-created controller display system (shows what controller input in game HUD)
-updated HELP screen with color coded controller & keyboard

-added black smoke to standing fire game obj
-changed empty heart item to HP scroll item
-changed how loot is spawned from barrels, treasure chests
-added NPCs to start dungeon 1, introducing controls
-added trader NPC to start dungeon 2
-Aletheia takes reduced damage if blocking, depending on equipped defensive item
-added message popup when new members join the team
-fixed movement bugs with ghost friend 2
-polishing for new demo release
-fixed prices on trader's menu for bombs & shield
-fixed thumbstick input on choose leader screen loadout selection
-made flea attack radius smaller, hit rec larger
-added gears to main menu sprites
-changed end game screen to display image specific to beating demo
-changed generic loading screen image
-changed how end game stats are displayed
-planned out various hero images

-updated main menu sprites
-consolidated 8 perks into 5 bonuses, tied into game
-removed credits, replaced with ghost switch
-changed how game over occurs, created game over screen
-esc in game cues areYouSure screen
-modified forest dungeon entrance
-setup save data to use relative path instead of absolute path in prep for actual saving
-worked on centering camera on demo miniboss / endgame state
-changed demo levels to be dungeons 1 & 2
-fixed various bugs with various game over states
-seperated resetGame() and clearInput() methods
-a metric shit ton of polish

-completed working prototype of loadout screen, lots of work here

-rendered new images for choose leader screen
-changed ghost storyline/editor to start at pys cave
-looped choose leader screen input for both full game and demo
-changed background images, consolidated stats on choose leader screen
-added bouncing arrows for left/right selection near character for CL screen
-upgraded main menu screen background sprites (modeled, rendered)
-upgraded loading screen to display loading text, and change text upon load
-began work on upgrading choose character / loadout screen

-added ghost face to HUD
-fixed spawning issue with dead players
-upgraded load level screen to check for level name generically/by field
-added level count to metric collector
-created levels for overworld according to new map design
-checked, all storylines spawn correctly
-set different start messages for each storyline
-fixed editor zoom out button
-fixed bug with picking up hearts
-cannot load levels other than demo levels else cue win game
-select character is limited to two options in demo
-refined and polished DEMO levels
-upgraded how editor spawns dev player in game

-created tyche loading screen image
-changed how data is stored in game in prep for saving/checkpoints
-wrote save & load game methods (using serialized xml data)
-images on choose leader screen fade between choices
-updated loading screen to display different image based on storyline chosen
-updated choose leader menu to display character tokens & ghost
-worked on stat screen layout
-all actors now have luck, magic, speed, hp, attack stats
-fxManager.processDamagerEvent can now show 'miss' notifications for battles via null parameter passing
-added crit notifications to fxManager.processDamagerEvent
-added LUCK stats into battle manager calculations
-added MAGIC stat into magic recharge calculations, balanced magic recharge times
-planned out perks, companion, & starting inventory screen

-added simple backstorys to character select screen
-added ghosts to graveyard/levels
-added end game fx event (named 'piras')
-added popups for all sign posts in game
-more balancing on actor classes
-modified hit boxes on enemies to be easier to hit
-created aletheia loading screen image
-added easy/med/hard attributes to choose leader screen
-created harmonia loading screen image
-create gnosis loading screen image

-made main menu font larger, bold
-created choose actor screen (!!!)
-linked up/setup loading different game start points (!!!)
-changed intro text - 'You appear from the spirit plane...'
-party members start off as dead game objects, player starts off as ghost
-added dead member objs to levels at 0 spawn points
-actors stay with the level they die on
-changed NPC dialog to talk about bombing, asking for help
-consume should not popup for full hearts - should auto pickup if HP < maxHP
-added timed bombs to forest town again
-changed loading screen image
-added sounds to choose character screen
-added more treasure chests to demo later levels (graveyard, winter castle, ice dungeon)
-removed number of enemies on graveyard level
-fixed bug with dropping inventory and nulling out dead party members

-removed map from paused screen, modified layout of start menu & debug menu
-fixed bug with controls screen nat fading away
-made theives easier enemies to defeat
-removed levels getting cut, renamed levels being kept
-removed debris sprite data from winter tree
-replanned/revise demo design and gameplay
-created 7 new demo levels
-added all levels into metric collector
-linked up level exit/spawn events
-filled out levels with enemies
-filled out levels with lootables

-added 2nd treasure chest (gameobj, levelManager, player)
-created skeletal remains with blood
-NPCs destroyed to skeletal remains
-created & tested end game FX (time slows down, centers on boss, special death sound plays, dialog message cues)
-made end game FX & state generic (can be other boss/event/cue)
-bombs explode sooner
-redesigned demo town around piras confrontation
-added additional dialog popup, dead townsfolk
-created final boss battle events: changes music, cues message popup
-fixed bug with battle music stopping all music
-made message screen spell out the letters zelda style
-used sound fx for the text as well - zelda sounds
-various revisions to how end game plays out

-relocated dropInventory() method to inventoryManager
-buildings/houses collapse if bombed (walls, floors, ceilings)
-fixed bug with floor not getting destroyed properly
-fixed bug with bombs sometimes not exploding properly
-changed destroyed ceiling sprites to be ceiling rubble on ground
-collapsed ceiling have a chance to become ceiling rubble or nothing
-fixed bug with open door not collapsing
-trees become stumps when bombed
-added armed bomb gameojb in editor lootables - explodes when player gets near it
-changed level 2 (catacombs) to be part forest dungeon and part caves with in level tile transition
-changed how level2 connects to level3 - emerge from a cave into town
-armed bombs now explode based on ID
-organized editor input regions
-create a reset button for bombs in editor
-setup forest town with bombs that explode when player gets near
-arrows now omove based on their ID value (can move slower/faster easier)
-added glimmer sprite (fxmanager) to items that are on screen that can be picked up
-sort all game consumable items under player so squat animation makes sense
-fixed armed bombs to sort below player, like other game objs

-pressing enter @ main menu sets input to keyboard & controller 1
-created inventoryManager & invMan.equipActor()
-refactored inventoryScreen equip functionality into invMan.equipActor()
-setup autoequip weapon/defense item when player picks it up
-fixed bug with dropping inventory items and updating actor textures
-fixed bug with shield description
-created new loadLevel screen based on wizard screen for editor
-created clear level routine in editor
-added catacombs level
-built catacombs level
-connected start dungeon to catacombs, catacombs to forest town
-included catacombs in demo level load check
-add all party members to start dungeon
-all party member should start off as dead
-rebuilt ForestTown1
-plugged catacombs & forest town into game analysis, generated new report for demo
-demo now at 33,60 sq feet (0.75 acres) with 100 enemies/253 barrels/5 treasure chests/17 other items

-fixed major bug wth wmv crashing the game upon game losing focus
-released to web


Monday, June 2, 2014


There has been much progress...

A new version of the Demo is available:
You should leave me feedback.


-fixed bug with switching between leaders clearing out equipped objs
-fixed bug with loading harmonia's spritesheet
-fixed bug with HUD not properly reflecting equipped item upon leader switch
-moved saveLevel() from editorInput to saveLevelComponent.saveLevel()
-created metric collector.cs, collects data about levels and game, writes data to file
-conducted first data analysis of game including level sq. foot, enemies, items, lines of code
-fixed various bugs after playtesting with Z

-updated fxManager.processDamageEvent to display a "+" or "-" before damage notification text
-updated weapon descriptions to reflect actual damage values used in game calculations
-added key to editor
-took notes from vlambeer art of screenshake video
-added camera teleport to level manager upon level load
-added camera lerp following after and between party members
-reorganized camera2d, removed various methods and functions that weren't being used
-bombs shake camera, getting hit shakes camera
-bombs collapse locked doors to rubble, fixed visual bug with open prison doors
-shake camera a little when shooting arrows & magic items too
-added texturemanager.UpdateHarmoniaTexture() in prep for equipping items for 2nd party member
-created battleManager to handle all battle calculations, linked into theoremGame.cs
-condensed 2 different attackActor() methods from player and aiComponent into battleManager.attackActor()
-migrated attackGameobj() into battleManger from player
-migrated dropInventory() into battleManager from aiComponent
-migrated aiComponent from levelManager to TheoremGame (top level manager)
-harmonia should have unarmed texture sheet, should start unarmed
-setup being able to equip harmonia with staff
-when an actor dies, their texture sheet swaps to unarmed (since inventory drops)
-select leader screen stays up until camera is on target of leader - fixes bug with getting stuck in walls
-fixed bug with harmonia dropping items and loaded texture
-fixed bug with inventory screen not properly displaying equip text for harmonia + staff
-changed level manager to load level in a generic way
-changed definitions of all levels so they will load correctly
-changed save level routines in editor
-changed how death sounds are handled in game

-changed ghost movement speed to slow, changed player2's movement speed to fast to keep up with party
-fixed bug with revive bringing far away party members back to life
-organizing and documenting fx manager in prep for additional fx events
-updated you quit/game over screen image
-added 'credits' to game, start with 2, allows player to become party ghost, cues game over screen
-added popup text to death to show how many credits are left
-cut barrel break sound, staff swing sound to make shorter/spammable
-fixed bug with AI not targeting leader, only targeting party member 1
-fixed bug with inventory screen not properly describing how to equip and drop weapons
-created heal spell in fxManager.processMagicEvent()
-moved heal/revive sprite fx to fxManager.processSpriteEvent()
-updated loot manager to spawn shields and healing materiafrom treasure chests
-fixed bug with enemies attacking party ghost
-fixed bug with death notification
-changed how damage text is faded out, lasts a little while longer, is easier to read
-created wizard image, created wizard screen, added input functionality
-created first cheat for game via wizard input password, tested

-added additional rotating elements to main menu
-revised main menu video
-added 4th gravestone gameobj
-refined graveyard level
-added additional gravestones
-removed other enemies from this level, only skeletons
-added dungeon entrance on level - doesn't work for now
-created grass to desert transition level like map shows
-completed equipping items for Aletheia: sword, dagger, unarmed with or without a shield
-added hand icon for actors with weapons
-updated HUD manage to correctly display equipped weapons/defensive items

-continued working on theorem main menu overlay
-created wizard character, created wizard screen (unsure and on hold for now)
-nulled out input for 2nd menu item (coming soon)
-created proper exiting state for main menu screen
-added enter skip to intro video screen
-changed sprite.cs to actually factor in rotation for draw method
-created animated main menu overlays

-main menu text should appear only if window is in open state
-switched music out to only use demo music from aaron paul low
-changed text from '______ has joined your party' to "Someone has joined the party..."
-fixed sorting bug with traps
-updated main menu video
-pump color + 10-20 on gameplay
-added aletheia running through spider caves
-added team running through ice dungeons
-extended timing of cast animation introduction
-shortened timing of red stone on screen
-worked on initial sketches for theorem main menu overlay

-changed AI to target players only
-created easier to read Theorem logo, cut edges off of O, extended the T on the left, tightened tracking
-created symbols for different factions
-redesigned main menu to not be big and stupid
-removed game.difficulty - no longer hard or normal options
-removed all old bkg sprites from main menu
-created, loaded new main menu sheet in main menu screen
-removed 'press start' MM text
-fixed sorting of bombs
-rendered main menu with updated logo
-recorded walking around in levels as various characters for main menu intro
-edited together new main menu video based on music
-no text initially, anykey or button press cues start menu
-allow movement between menu items via up/down
-added timed animation 'in/out' of menu screen via sprite current frame and update

Friday, May 23, 2014

Quality ++

Lots of exciting stuff happening!

Just posted a new version of the Demo to the website:
Go there, view media, download and play the game, leave me feedback.

As always, the changelog:
-media dump for reddit/website

-working on main menu images

-working on main menu images

-fixed major bug with AI targeting party members instead of player
-fixed bug with spike traps not animating
-added additional sounds to main menu
-additional planning of main menu images

-fixed dropping bomb collection, picking up bomb collection, merging bomb collections
-fixed explosions on bomb - represent bomb explosion radius better
-bombs hit multiple objects, actors before expiring
-fixed bug with input allowing control of hero & ghost friend
-fixed bug with main menu audio carrying over into other screens
-changed loading screen image
-removed intro cinematic all together
-'enemy chase sound' occurs if certain human enemies spot player
-changed barrel break sound
-added collapse sound for doors
-added center explosion sprite for bomb
-changed destruction routines to route into player.attackGameObj - reusing a ton of code
-changed spike trap idle game obj, added strike fx to spike trap
-updated start dungeon with additional wings, more gore overall
-balanced enemy actors HP

-better packed help/controls sprite
-Harmonia starts the game dead, must be revived
-fixed bug with inventory description and un-equippable items
-added health potions to lootables in editor
-removed HUD hearts from game sheet
-added full heart to lootables in editor
-standard loot rarely spawns full hearts
-added 'consume' action popup to full heart objs
-moved popup message to leader face on HUD
-reworked various popup text throughout game to be first person
-! sprite should become ? sprite if player is colliding with a popup message event
-joystik squats north now
-changed revive magic sprite to harder edged style
-created bomb, manyBomb, armedBomb sprites, packed into game texture sheet
-added bombs to editor, added bombs to inventory description
-added bombs to equip/use, linked up dropping armed bombs to game grid through lootManager
-updated level manger to remove any empty game objs from level obj list during sort routine
-updated HUD to display bomb, bombCollection
-modified routines to add/remove bombs into inventory bomb collections
-wrote number of bombs (in bomb collection) to inventory description screen of bomb item
-only single bombs can be created/picked up/dropped
-bombs blink longer, destroy doors, enemies, player
-bombs spawn randomly from barrels, crates, dead enemies
-added health potions into standard loot spawning
-added additional temp soundFX: pickup item, drop item, drop gold, bomb exploding, bomb drop
-soundFX: ally joins party, dagger stab, punch, pause on/off modified
-soundFX: popup sound, menu up, quit
-revised standard loot spawn rates
-fixed bugs with debug screen
-playtesting on xbox, various bugs documented

-fixed bug with background music mute/unmute
-added new objective 'Escape the dungeon' popup upon game start
-increased running movement speed
-saving people should use the treasure chest opening sound
-removed blocking popup explaining how to change party members
-removed Harmonia from Forest Dungeon
-joystick in (teabag) is now south squat only
-HUD should display 'X' where Aletheia's shield should be if unequipped
-projectiles pass thru switches, venom pools, traps
-ball lightning destroyed upon contact with game objs, but not actors (still can hit multiple)
-created equipped weapon game objs in player class
-created gameobj definitions for basic weapons (dagger, sword, shield, staff, bow)
-added all weapons to inventory upon start for testing
-added descriptions for all items to inventory screen
-changed gold key description
-tested describing, dropping, picking up weapons
-'equipped' items do not drop from inventory, just copied into equipped slot
-when item is dropped, if equipped item is same, equipped is set to empty (item is dropped & unequipped)
-changed item description to use string builder instead of string
-much less ram is allocated and garbage collected from inventory screen class as a result
-Gnosis does not display his hands on HUD
-updated inventory screen to equip weapons based on weapon type and party leader type
-added error screen popup 'cannot equip weapon to character' - doesn't work
-wrote textureManager.UpdateAletheiaTexture(), which checks currrently equipped weapon
-updated HUD manager to draw sprites relative to hero type and equipped inventory
-dropping weapons removes them from your inventory (and updates the textures as well)
-checked equipping weapons, dealing damage
-equipping an item updates the description text for that item
-added dagger, sword, staff into treasure chest spawn routines
-updated AI to fix bug associated with insta enemy death and no drop of loot
-added additional game objs to editor's lootables list
-harmonia shouldn't run around, for now
-made start dungeon trap hallways easier
-added ability to drag game consumables to game editor
-fixed bug with 'interact' action window not displaying for allies
-fixed bug where dropping equipped item did not reset attack value
-fixed equip text to change depending upon equipped/not equipped
-updated gold's description text

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Demo gets multiple upgrades!

Just posted a new version of the Demo to the website:
Go there, view media, download and play the game, leave me feedback.

Here is the latest changelog:

-changed (balanced) kingsnakes HP & attack
-removed harder characters, house from forest path level
-sounds reworked, volumes aligned
-made intro dungeon more complex, more enemies, added traps
-fixed bug with beating game, end screen
-removed end game cinematic screen, cinematic
-worked on proximity of recruiting for party members
-worked on sorting of newly recruited party members
-moved 'recruited' dialog to popup instead of message screen
-added 'party management tutorial' message screen to 1st party member
-worked on fading out game when game is beaten
-trimed island view segment from main menu video, removed audio for ocean
-moved Py to NPC section of video
-re-timed main menu segments
-altered gamma so that you can see the background/heros better
-cut out segments of intro smoke, made it faster
-added animated 3d text to main menu video
-added glow to spider's eyes
-changed achievements screen to Credits screen
-recorded video of playing through demo from start to finish, added highlites to MM video
-changed music by Magnatite to be better image
-swapped inventory and pause screen controls on keyboard, updated 'controls' image
-added a 'mute music' button to options screen (toggles volume to 0)
-packaged, updated online game demo .rar file, website
-backed up all development files
-uploaded main menu background video to youtube
-added youtube embed to website homepage

-fixed bug with keyboard input not advancing cinematic screen upon 'A' key press
-fixed bug with vibrating wrong controller upon hit
-added boost speed to party ghost
-added description window sprite for inventory screen
-removed 'inspect' action for dungeon prison door
-fixed gameplay so that locked doors cue nonblocking popup (preferred method)
-made a difference between normal and hard, normal allows respawning/reviving, hard does not
-made ghost sprites look better
-modeled, rendered xbox360 controller, keyboard sprites, added to map sheet
-created/labeled all input for keyboard & controller (controls image)
-added controls image to help screen
-disconnected screen should only display one image, regardless of platform, rendered 360 controller image just for this
-added character sprites to stat window on select leader screen
-added character's name to top of stats screen
-removed X,Y button from paused/map screen
-removed X,Y buttons from map screen

-updated loading image
-removed trader, archer, gnosis
-added in latest sound dev for graken logo
-fixed input: keyboard 'B' AND 'left shift' does not exit map screen
-changed loading screen, intro cinematic
-aligned press start/start menu
-aligned dungeon, minutes, score text on paused screen
-changed poof to white vector style art
-resolved stupid 'change leader' bug on change leader screen
-completed barebones select leader screen w/ stats window

-Created new main menu screen, new main menu video background, wrangled w/ input functionality
-added normal/hard option - normal option allows for respawn, hard does not
-Removed spark cinematic placeholder
-Demo ends game when player exits first level
-added new sounds that Z has recorded

5/1/2014 - 5/5/2014
-worked on intro cinematic, main menu background video
-created main menu screen

Lots coming soon, stay tuned! //ThGrk

Monday, April 21, 2014

Changelog and new DEMO!

I've been busy... haven't got much time.
As always get the demo here:

-added full screen map back into pause screen
-forest dungeon floor made lighter
-map updated with surrounding lighter water, subte glows, fake DOF
-added in map character token, aligned map token to location positions
-changed stats to score values (calculated from stats)
-moved level name into stats window, prefaced with 'location:'
-added in red arrow, red arrow bounces over map character
-rerendered hero establishing shot with correct plant materials
-moved magnatite image to end game screen
-changed all sound fx to z's sound fx (use any sound fx you can)
-changed all temp music to magnatite music
-put together new public DEMO (whoohoo!)

-collected all working cinematic files into one directory inside of project
-reorg'd cinematics folder into current project, archived backups
-revised map image, intro cinematic
-created 'music by magnatite' image for end game screen (using as temp loading screen for now)

-modified main menu screen's way of collecting videoPlayer's texture (moved from draw to update to combat stuttering)
-fixed bug where spamming start stuck main menu screen
-worked on intro cinematic, revised island/map image (for hours)
-play tested on xbox360, found multiple bugs, fixed multiple bugs

-a button no longer bounces on message screen
-made menu items like menu items on new game screen, individual with A button selection
-removed ability to select exit, added B button sprite to signify 'press B to exit map'
-TONS of work on map screen
-created objectives screen (overlay screen like are you sure)
-story checkpoint determines objectives displayed
-changed options screen to overlay with semi-transparent black background
-centered options screen UI elements
-made new game screen's exit menu item represented by B button, non-selectable as well
-created routines to handle Demo/Release
-changed music - no more start dungeon music, chasing music
-able to inspect complete prison doors, cues popup of being able to break them down
-added popup 'You hear a villianous laugh in the distance..' to final level
-various level updates
-added prison doors to demo image, rerendered, updated in game
-added additional images to intro cinematic
-cant block on demo levels
-various updates to lootmanager, hud, player input
-tested latest version to xbox

-added 2nd player 'possess' action window
-added 2nd player nearby check for dead enemies to possess
-poofs, sound fx occur when ghost friend 1 teleports
-updated AIcomponent routines
-completed first iteration of 2nd player possession and input (multiplayer!)
-refactored player input to respect party leader + party, ghost friend + possessed actor
-player shouldn't collide with actors on draw list that are allies (enemy boolean)
-this allows player to walk though possessed actors (they can do the same)
-a TON of various work on input, possession
-set possessed actor's attack pause to 0 upon possession
-more updates to AI
-possessed actors can attack game objs
-enemies target and attack possessed actors as well
-enemies sort allies and only attack closest one
-select leader screen player input shows hp sprite of possessed actor
-fixed bug with possessed actor resetting to idle mid animation
-added killing off possessed actor with B button
-fixed bug with drawing possessed actor's attack rec
-possessing and killing actors cause poof fx
-increased ghosts zOffset
-updated code to allow ghost friend to possess any enemy except some bosses
-created end game cinematic screen
-reduced waiting time from killing piras till this screen cues
-worked on tracking enemy/ally deaths/kills
-changed end game screen 1 to game stats recap
-changed 2nd end game screen to be temp achievements screen

-added spike trap objs: idleSpikeTrap, spikeTrap
-idle spike trap is empty gameObj, spike trap is spikes sprite with collision
-spikes jump up from land tiles, hit once, then go away
-randomly pops up just like saw, added into party leader's collision check
-added poofs to guardian's mouth when arrow is shot
-fixed bug showing action window when party leader is dead
-relocated guardian statue in spirte sheet for better packing
-added guardian statues 2 & 3, shoot east and west arrows, added to desert dungeon
-added additional desert, ice pillars
-changed level songs
-added in reviving party members - revive materia now obselete
-modified traps in desert dungeon based on playtesting
-modified forest, ice dungeons
-began working on 2nd player possession - 2nd action window working
-added thug to forest dungeon, ice temple, path1
-updated attack fx for most enemies
-fixed bug with ball lightning creating constant collision poofs
-created kingsnake desert boss, added class def, checked into editor
-added to desert temple
-fixed long standing bug with projectile collisions not tracking perfectly
-created 'swinging axe' trap object
-created 'saw on track' trap object
-created 'temple guardian' statue that randomly shoot arrows from it's mouth, faces NWE
-added traps to Switches and Traps list in editor
-temple guardian shoots arrows from it's mouth (south)
-saw randomly jumps out of idle, upon animation return to idle, deals damage correctly
-cut/removed trap floor tiles & pit of spikes
-swinging axe to swings correctly, deals damage correctly, added to desert dungeon

-redesigned forest, desert, ice dungeons
-fixed long standing bug with some dungeon doors not aligning properly on Y axis
-created Piras' lair, linked up
-made desert dungeon darker
-added additional magnitite MUSIC for all levels in game
-added allies running around instead of standing still
-changed allies join dialog
-added basic enemies to all levels
-added barrels to all levels
-added house to path1 - this is bombsmith's house
-added trader to every town (forest, theif, desert, ice)
-created, added THUG/heavy actor

-worked on editing rest of levels
-linked up all story levels according to map
-created dungeon level defs, added to level manager
-added into load level check
-added to editor load levels screen, linked up exit/spawn points
-tested progression between levels
-divided up game obj master list into sub lists
-created sub obj button in editor, linked up buttons to sub obj lists
-fixed next/prev button overflow checks for each obj master list
-fixed obj clone routines to check for all master lists as well
-added sand dune game objs 1-4 (3&4 suck)
-completed bounds for all levels

-fixed bug with editor not saving fx events correctly
-fixed bug with destroyed bed object
-worked on editing levels: pys' tent, forest town, forest path, theif caves 1, 2, forest temple

-revised skeleton actor enemy
-gold key is NOT used up after unlocking a door, updated description in inventory screen
-created bones 1-8, ribcages 1-4, skulls 1-4, pile of skulls
-removed winter ladder
-fixed bug with NPCs loading textures from bkg sheet instead of game texture
-modified bush collapse to not create additional game object
-created crate, collapsing crate, collapsed crate, collapsing barrel
-setup animations for collapsing barrels and crates
-added in attacking crate objs
-added 'collapse' check into level manager's 4th update bucket, collapsing barrels and crates
-changed z sort on pile of skulls
-created, added to game pools of blood 1-8
-removed long table, horizontal bed game objs
-moved chairs to house sprite area, updated gameObjs
-created destroyed objs: table, fencees, bed, chair
-added in ability to destroy gameobjs: bed, table, fence objs, chairs
-update inventory screen description of key
-added bouncing A button on message screen back in
-fixed bug with destroyed object's z depth sort
-redesigned kidnapper's dungeon
-created 'light from open door' object to signify exit from dungeon
-moved cactus over above tents making room fore 3x3 shelf system
-created & added: kidnapper's dungeon entrance, forest pyramid, forest pillar, w/ skull, & destroyed pillar
-added ability to hit pillar into destroyed state
-changed 'read' to 'inspect' for all pop up messages
-redesigned forest path 1

-added squat on command by pressing in left joystick or Q key (for teaBagging/danceParty purposes)
-created additional sprite sheets for main hero (unarmed, dagger, sword, shield)
-removed shelf from dungeon, not a dungeon object
-removed popup discussing changing party leaders
-moved NPCs to game texture sheet
-created prison cell doors, destruction of door, locked prison cell doors
-fixed bug with party leader dealing multiple attacks per single attack input command
-upgraded prison cell doors, own obj
-added prison cell doors, checked that they can be attacked and destroyed
-added intro text explaining how to attack, targeting prison cell bars
-set hit speed to fast for all hit states for all actors
-redesigned kidnapper's dungeon
-changed sprite sheet location of gold key
-removed ice temple locked door, replaced with prison locked door
-removed key boolean check in prep for multiple keys
-removed shadows from broken prison cell doors
-added button to editor to clear all enemies from current level
-removed all enemies in prep for actor IDs
-added IDs to all actors, added ID field to save routines
-game can now spawn specific loot based on actor ID
-gold key is spawned in start dungeon via prison guard ID == 99
-added description of 'magical' gold key to inventory screen
-made gold key generically open all locked doors, vanishes after use
-changed how doors are unlocked (searches inventory for a key upon collision
-changed HP bar sprite to be more apparent, easier to read
-removed unlocked prison door, becomes empty obj upon unlock
-locked prison door & prison cell doors now have collision recs relative to their size
-added story chapter shortcuts for fast testing
-added camera zoom in/out to min/max via holding Left Shoulder button
-added camera auto zoom back to 1.0f upon release of left shoulder button

-changed all music for game, added cinematic & new game screen music
-changed loading screen
-created spark cinematic screen, temp images for now
-added chapter loading routines for theorem game
-intro cinematic loads chapter 0, hero has no sword/shield
-spark cinematic loads chapter 1, hero has sword/shield
-texture manager loads correct hero texture based on game chapter
-level manager loads correct initial level based on game chapter
-created py's house with 0 spawn index inside house
-created fx event to cue spark cinematic on forest path 1
-loading theorem game collects game data inventory
-exiting theorem game clears game data inventory
-player inventory is saved in game data, preserved between cinematics
-removed harmonia from start dungeon
-fixed bug with saving/loading inventory
-successfully tested chapter0 to chapter1 progress
-linked up Py's house to forest path via exit
-checked spawns/exits between forest path and py's house
-removed background window list from new game screen, changed bkg images
-no sound for selecting menu on new game screen
-no sound for pressing start on main menu screen
-added menu sprite sheet * sprites to new game screen, redesigned new game screen
-fixed bug with cinematic occuring more than once
-added dialog window to start screen
-reorganized new game screen class fields
-latest version passes playthrough test on xbox 360 (no memory issues)

-completed version of establishing shot that is acceptable

-made forest dungeon darker overall
-refined intro cinematic

-rewrote main storyline, polishing, condensing
-added .isDisposed checks to all party member textures in prep for texture swapping
-added SwapTexture(int memberNumber, TextureState textureState) to textureManager
-basic texture swapping working in game
-pruning/reorganizing of tasks to focus on first 5-10 minutes of game

-created basic forest path level
-added forest path to level editor, load level screen

-created new story intro cinematic screen, works
-a button no longer bounces on message screen

-working on new cinematic
-rendered still frames with lots of DOF

-working on new cinematic
-decided to use still frames instead of animation

-working on new cinematic

-working on new cinematic

-working on new cinematic

-demo shares same new game background image as chapter 1 does
-removed faux trading with green woman
-verified all destroyed building floors, walls, ceilings existas gameObjs
-added destroyed door into editor
-fixed bug with debris floor tiles not getting randomized correctly
-added creation of destroyed buildings from destroyed floors (polishLevel() in levelManager.cs)
-added destroyed buildings into game, tested
-removed corner ceilings, in sheet and obj defs
-added blood obj to gameDefs, editor
-rewriting of storyline (big big big changes)
-created video and still cinematic screens to service storyline needs
-began working on new cinematic

-worked on chapter1 storyline, project scope (ch2 sidelined for now)
-battle subgame planned out (planned from 3/21-3/22)
-fixed bug with final boss not cueing end game event
-ghost friend can boost by pressing X
-fixed bug with Tyche's stab not doing damage
-finalized chapter1 level struture/connections
-fixed bug with queen spiders on caves2
-modification to bkgSheet (removed blood, added ocean, made dirt lighter)
-using temp coming soon image for ch2
-remade Forest Temple Entrance (added leaves)
-created chapter1 3d island (lots of work here), rendered image for paused/map screen
-updated inputHelper to pass party friends 2 & 3 input
-added new chapter1 image, level name window, level name to paused map screen
-added party member face to paused map screen
-setup basic alignment system based on level loaded
-created level defs for: the forest, path1, the desert, path2, winterPath1, winterPath2

-lightning no longer constantly spams 'poof' effect upon collision
-defending with a shield against projectiles should stop damage unless ball lightning
-fixed bug with projectiles bot killing allies (state lock & -1)
-made doors collision recs larger/wider (could drop items outside them)
-refactored dropObj() in lootManager to drop within a 70px radius around leader
-made hit state holds much shorter for all 75x75 actors
--- started on MULTIPLAYER - cause why not? ---
-removed all virtual states from input helper (not needed)
-refactored input helper to operate upon any controller input (1-4)
-added checks to main menu screen to set the 'game leader' based on controller connected and start pressed states
-removed some garbage creating code from image.cs
-screenmanager adds a disconnecected screen if controller becomes disconnected
-coded disconnected screen (fade in image, check for controller connection, fade out)
-tested new input routines, tested disconnecting controller(s) in various program states
-discovered a bug with hot swapping controller on windows7,
-sometimes windows doesn't recognize the controller immediately
-so windows installs drivers, etc.. then recognizes the controller
-then chooses a new player# to assign to the "new" controller
-verified by checking GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.____).IsConnected during hotswap testing
-no work around, disconnect screen makes a note of this bug instructing players to restart with controllers connected
-updated disconnect code to gracefully handle controller disconnect lock for windows (enter to continue)
-disconnectedScreen loads different images for xbox, windows
-expanded input helper to include 3 additional friend gamepad states + helper functions to check for pressed/released buttons
-added 'Check Player 2 Join Game Input' to TheoremGame.cs (press start to join)
-added 'Determine Party Friend 1 Input' to InputHelper.cs
-added 'GhostFriend1 UPDATE CHECKS' to player.cs
-added movement routines for ghostFriend1 to player.cs
-added ghostFriend1 teleport with Y button press
-added teleporting ghostFriend1 to leader's position upon level load
-adding 2nd player passes basic tests (pressing start, showing up, teleporting, collisions, movement)
-fixed bug with editor bypassing playerIndex (sets to 1)
-fixed bug with ghost initally not appearing
-fixed bug with ghost not resetting to idle like player
-ghost teleports to leader if too far away or off screen
-basic multiplayer passes initial tests!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A month of good development

Lots of work done lately, but I'm waiting to post the latest version due to using some temporary art. Here is the latest changelog...

-rewrote/aligned storylines for chapter1&2 (whoa!)
-planned out battle subgame (what?!?)
-darkened land tiles
-updated, aligned text of new game screen
-created images for all new game screen
-changed routines to fade between images instead of fading to black first
-changed background images to be images instead of sprites from sheets
-added music to start game screen
-tested on xbox360
-gnosis attack anim speed made faster
-rebalanced chest loot spawning
-chest presentation items rise slowly, spawn more from inside chest
-loot that cannot be picked up from chests now drops around the party leader
-refactored fx manager's update to smoothly move projectiles and chest presentation items
-retuned speed of projectiles, super smooth and deadly now
-made action window show/use radius smaller (80 to 70)
-treasure chest should have OPENING animation
-created opening chest gameObj, leads to empty treasure chest state
-put projectile collision check in every other upate along with movement
-slowed down level's gameObj animation speed & fx manager's animation speed
-added actor.state.PickingUp
-added actor.anim.PickupN, PickupS, PickupE, PickupW
-added animation code for main party
-modified gold objs zoffset to better stack ontop of barrels
-added 'Pick up' to action window
-inventory items collected using squat animation
-refactored player.cs to popup action window when touching items
-refactored input to pickup / set pickup animation during item aquisition
-popup action window with 'pickup' text when touching an item that can be picked up
-modified sorting of ALL actors death state
-spider queen only spawns worker spider upon death
-coded: each actor owns their own HP sprite, HP sprite is drawn with actor, underneath
-HP is updated in the attackActor() routines in player.cs and aiComponent.cs
-added sleeping dogs style hp quad on the ground for all actors
-added actors slowly fading out their HPsprite in update
-slow animation speed should be 110 for all actors, all hit states should be slowAnim speed
-removed hearts from HUD, no longer used
-changed search/attack radius for all party members
-holding right trigger should make all party members HP sprites 1.0f
-attack pauses longer for all actors
-HUD not hidden when the ghost is selected, shows disabled X for all actions and skills
-fixed bug with ai snapping actors to idle south

-added temporary paused screen image to project
-remove outro animation & sprite for action window - should just instantly dissappear
-changed action window to be more like dark gold dialog window, revised animation in
-changed action window text to be white
-changed popup screen to be black window with white text
-revised HIT fx, DEF fx, poof fx, healing fx, materia look
-added swipe fx to arrow projectiles
-added swipe/attack fx to all 75x75 enemies
-added swipe/attack fx to all actors 140x140
-message screen uses the dialog window instead of black background texture
-make black dialog bkg windows fit into message screen space
-all in game screens now hide action window once screen is created
-created map sheet (2k sheet for map + vignette + ???)
-added map sheet to textureManager, loaded into game, estimated textures in ram @ 181.5mb
-added map sheet to paused screen
-rewrote pause screen to handle input correctly
-refined map screen (lots of work here)
-completed refactoring of debug/options screen, works well with start screen
-created empty help screen, based on debug screen
-fixed collision recs for snake, roach, spider, beetle, flea
-fixed main menu screen music to play sooner, much sooner
-main menu screen music fades out after pressing start
-cut preVis cinematic from the main menu intro
-built new game screen (whew!)

Main Hero (Aletheia) upgrades...
-updated running animation to be smoother
-updated defense walking animation to be smoother
-updated rendering script, render
-added swipe fx to all attacks
-added red blood to dead sprite
-all actors now have cast magic, cast stationary, and
-all actors do not have to implement these animation states, just party members
-added magic pause to base actor definition (not all actors will use it)
-added cast magic NSEW
-added cast magic stationary
-added squat North, South (did not add pickup or squat routines)
-made sword swipe a static semi circle
-added a glow to cast magic directional
-added a glow to cast magic stationary
-slowed down fireball, arrow movement
-removed popup screen from trade screen - didn't stack in screen manager correctly, input messed up
Tyche upgrades...
-Tyche can 'knife' with the B button as skill
-stab is implemented as attack2 for tyche
-added cast magic NSEW
-added cast magic stationary
-added squat North, South
-updated rendering script, rendered, packed
-added swipe fx to shooting, stabbing
-added red blood to dead sprite
-added knife to HUD when in Tyche state
-updated shield HUD sprite position
-added party member standing sprites to gameTex (no reason right now, just looks cool)
Harmonia upgrades...
-added cast magic NSEW
-added cast magic stationary
-added squat North, South to sprite sheet
-updated running animation to be smoother
-updated attack animation to actually use staff
-made sure all animations respect the staff!
-updated rendering script, render
-added swipe fx to all attacks
-added red blood to dead sprite
Gnosis upgrades...
-added cast magic NSEW
-added cast magic stationary
-added squat North, South to sprite sheet
-updated running animation to be smoother
-updated rendering script, render
-added tons of swipe fx to ALL attacks
-added red blood to dead sprite
-created prototype GROUND HP bar

-added better NPC dialog
-dungeon switches must now be activated with A action
-action window pops up around dungeon switches
-'talk' and 'trade' action windows pop up depending upon gameObj.NPC.state
-proto trade screen pops up correctly
-trade screen ends/hides action window underneath it
-set ID values for all consumable/tradable gameObjs in update()
-created, added trade screen, trading routines
-scattered traders throughout dungeons
-TESTING, notes over gameplay, bugs
-made revive's radius 80px, just like action window size
-keep inventory item - do not clear it out, allows spam purchasing
-fixed bug with soundFX occuring nduring tradeScreen
-upon purchase, make item & window & gold sprite & total gold sprite & totalText scale up
-level manager now sorts gameObjDrawList in level's ceiling bucket update (ceiling bucket was light)
-fixed issues with gameObjs transitioning state but not sorting correctly
-fixed bug with sorcerers death
-removed potion from barrel spawns
-removed empty hearts, potions from treasure chests
-removed materia trade from trader (for now)
-inventory screen hides action window too
-fixed bug with colliding with dungeon switches
-removed loot and cine events from editor input & input (cyclomaticComplexity--)
-added fxEvent check creation to editor input
-fixed bug with gold key appearing when party ghost has control
-changing levels brings dead party members with you
-created popup messages for all signposts throughout game
-allies do not attack or pursue ghosts
-fixed bugs with editor displaying events not being colored correctly during create/debug
-tested editor in most ways, passes tests
-aiComponent varies gnosis' attack between 1-4

3/15/2014 -rerendered roach as 75x75 px actor
-removed small spider, too small at 35x35 px
-coded roach enemy animation, tuning of roach enemy
-roaches move slowly, 2 hp, reduced visibility, long attack pause, slow animation
-added roaches to start dungeon
-remade start dungeon, add more initial treasure chests
-slow down bat movement a little bit
-make bat attack pause VERY LONG
-reduced bat visibility
-removed initial testing inventory
-less swordsmens, archers in ice temple
-fixed bug with caves2 level
-swordsmen, archers should have MUCH more HP
-flea actor should have more HP
-troll actor casts ball lightning for attack
-reduced troll visibility, attacks from a distance now
-skeletons have slightly longer rebirth time
-reduced snake visibilty, HP, attack, animation speed
-added 'ghostReviveTime' to player.cs
-party ghost 'revive' action window respects ghostReviveTime - does not show if cooldown is refilling
-made snake sprite thicker
-added 'hide ceilings' button to editor
-added hideCeilings boolean to levelManger (controls ceiling tile draw)
-redesigned caves1 theives hideout more, bats now ambush in their own area
-added red hit states to all 75x75 actors, bloodied death states
-updated hit & death states with red sprite
-coded sorcerer, added to editor
-reordered editor's actor masterlist
-tons of eddits and updates to all game levels
-added sorcerers to ice temple
-removed lowest gold obj
-rewrote gold objs to use 70x70 NEW sprites
-rewrote lootManager to spawn gold gameObjs
-when player colides with gold obj, gold is added to goldStash if it exists via gameObj.ID
-if goldStash does not exist, goldStash is created if player has empty inventory slot
-inventory should display info about gold stash via ID (inventoryScreen.cs)
-dropping a game obj should also pass along the ID (lootManager.cs)
-inventory screen objList picks up actor inventoryList.ID
-fixed bug with dropping inventory upon death
-added checkObjDrawListCollision() to levelmanager.cs, returns true/false for collisions with obj draw list
-lootManager.dropObj SAFELY drops loot
-try to drop the loot to the south (check for collisions with gameObjs)
-if collision, try west, try north, try east,
-else, drop at actor location (works for dead actors, live actors will pick up loot upon exiting inventory screen)
-fix all code that calls dropObj (should send correct location parameters, not offset to south)
-drop from B button useage (inventoryScreen.cs)
-drop inventory (aiComponent.cs)
-added diagonal drop areas to lootManager.dropObj
-Created generic trader NPC gameObj (dark brown hooded figure) for testing
-add as gameObj
-fixed bug with allies killing enemies and not spawning loot
-fixed bug deaths to not spawn loot (how many bugs carry gold?)

-created beetle, snake, bat, roach enemies (modeling, texturing, rigging, animating, rendering scripts, rendering)
-modified flea actor colors
-modified sorcerer to have red sash
-redesigned ALL game levels (whew!)
-coded, added to levels: beetle, troll, snake, bat
-fixed bug with actors stuck attacking north
-tuning, balancing of ALL enemies, bosses

-spirit world added then removed
-achievements planned then benched (for now)
-new cinematic additions planned, then benched as well

-created troll actor, modeled, rigged, textured, animated, setup rendering script, rendered/packed to texture

3/11/2014 -spiders added back into collision checks after madness and slowdown on xbox360
-aligned storyline, levels, and several game ideas
-created new levels, added new levels to level manager loadLevel, editor load level screen
-previewed 'hell' level, needs work but is awesome

-refactored fxManager.cs, aiComponent.cs, and player.cs
-does not handle individual enemy.type deaths (duplicate code x3)
-ghosts cannot be attacked (player.cs, aiComponent.cs, fxManager.cs)
-refactored all actors to process loot/counters/etc.. fx in hit to death state transition
-refactored queen's animation routines
-removed Actor.AnimState.Walking
-fixed bug with spider queen hit state, spawning baby spiders
-queen drops rare loot now upon death
-modified worker spider's colors, animations, and main body size
-created spider queen death animation
-created baby spider actor (first 35x35 actor)
-created spider egg, venom pool sprites
-venom pools do constant damage until actor is at 1 hp (doesn't kill them)
-coded egg obj, upon destruction becomes a venom pool, spawns worker spider
-spiders are no longer collision checked against other enemies
-game upgraded with spider eggs, venom pools
-put ghost revive on a timer, takes a moment for 'revive' to become available
-fixed bug with ghost not giving up control when party member is alive
-various bug fixes relating to bug enemies
-party members now drop inventory from their hit to death state transition check
-drop inventory checks removed from player.cs and aicomponent.cs

-added ghost enemy
-ghosts do not drop loot
-fixed bug with archers not cueing arrow sound
-created spider, flea class, queen spider
-fixed various AI movement routine bugs related to 'pass by value'
-added RED color to first frame of enemy HIT state in sprite sheets
-revised RED hit fx sprite
-each time queen is hit, a baby spider is spawned under her
-added additional BLOOD to death frames of enemies
-added pool of blood game obj
-readded enemies to all levels, revised all levels
-added party ghost to player.cs
-when all party members die, the player takes over party ghost, an actor that cannot die
-cannot attack/loot/cue events or actions
-ghost cannot pick up inventory items
-HUD fades in/out for ghost mode
-ghost casts revive by pressing A
-ghost auto gives up control if a party member is alive, dissappears
-revive action window shows up if ghost is nearby dead party member
-only skeletons come back to life
-spiders have more HP
-fleas have more HP
-queen spiders have more HP
-skeletons have more HP
-tested playthrough - fun++
-fixed bug with spider queen spawning spider babies incorrectly
-added GOLD gameObjs 1-4 to game

-created flea, worker spider, ghost actors (modeled, textured, rigged, animated, setup packing script, rendered)
-added 'else' reset to actor.update() check (resets state to idle if state not recognized)
-rewrote/refactored actor classes for archer, theif, swordsman, piras
-added NEW ENEMY: skeleton
-skeleton comes back to life after a while
-does not spawn any loot

-removed diagonal movement sprites / routines for ALL enemies
-created QUEEN SPIDER boss, modeled, textured, rigged, animated, setup packing script, rendered, added to actors textures
-created QUEEN WORM boss, modeled, textured, rigged, animated, setup packing script, rendered, added to actors textures

-repacked ALL enemies sheets, reduced attack & movement animations to 6 frames
-created skeleton enemy, added rendering script, rendered to sheet, packed into actors textures

-reordered AI preference to target player before allies
-refactored AI, condensing projectile and melee attack code
-projectile enemies shoot from further away
-increased thief attack speed, decreased maxHP, decreased striking range, decreased search range
-decreased final boss maxHP, increased movement & attack speed
-diagonal attacks redirect to NSEW attacks instead of being ignored
-enemies can now be juggled (able to be hit while in hit state)
-all projectiles move slightly faster
-Created revive materia
-obj/sprite def (gameObj.cs)
-description (inventory screen.cs)
-equipping (inventory screen.cs)
-check cooldown (player.input)
-added revive materia to HUD (HUDmanager.cs)
-linked up revive materia in player input cast magic NSEW
-added processMagicEvent() to fxManager
-added revive based on 500px distance check from caster's position
-fixed bug where projectiles would keep enemy alive at 0 hp
-rounded party leaders position to nearest int, then cast back to float to hopefully combat camera stepping
-set maximum position for camera at 1,000,000 x 2
-sped up harmonias attack
-made fireball recharge faster
-HUD displays materia instead of magic fx sprite
-created Ball Lightning Materia
-obj/sprite def (gameObj.cs)
-description (inventory screen.cs)
-equipping (inventory screen.cs)
-check cooldown (player.input)
-add sprite to HUDmanager (#region Set Y button HUD item based on player.leaderEquippedObj.currentState)
-cast magic NSEW (player.input)
-created ball lightning gameObj
-added additional projectileType to fxMan.shootProjectile()
-added projectile check to fxMan.checkProjectileCollision()
-added to fxMan.update() - push & recycle
-added randomness to bLightning movement
-added explosion to end of ball lightning lifespan, should
-added 'explode' eventType to fxMan.processMagicEvent()
-refined bLightning's speed, lifespan
-fixed bug with loop counters in fxMan.processMagicEvent()
-fixed bug where HUD didn't update when item was used or equipped
-added alpha release error handling for unknown execptions
-added revive and ball lightning materias into loot manager
-added even more randomness to bLightning movement
-fixed bug with party members joining
-added 'recruit' text to action window for adding party members
-changed various kinds of text throughout the game
-NPCs should be game objs, not actors
-add obj defs for townMan1/2, woman1/2, mother, pythagoras
-talking with actors should become gameObjs in player.cs (input)
-action window should popup vs. NPC gameObjs
-removed all NPC actors from all levels, save levels
-removed dialog list from actor defs
-removed dialog list from editor game, editor save level
-removed NPCs from actors master list, actor creation routines in editor
-add NPCs to gameobj master list
-fix allies showing up duplicated when recruited
-recreated start dungeon, forest town
-fixed bug dragging NPC gameObjs
-fixed bug displaying NPCs in editor
-Added townwoman3, other NPC gameObjs
-add def (gameObj.cs )
-add to interact (player.cs)
-add to gameObj masterList (editor.cs)
-made NPC interact check general to type instead of specific state
-re-animated, added casting magic animations to Tyche & Arher
-copied Tyche's animations to Archer, re-scripted & rendered sprite sheets
-reduced Archer hit animation to 3 frames NSEW, reduced max animation to 6 frames total

-changed how loot is spawned in lootManager to use new fireball materia
-dropInventory() also drops equipped materia if actor is a partyMember
-AIcomponent.attackActor() clears party leader materia in prep of dropping inventory
-removed fence gates open and closed from editor
-removed creating diagonal projectiles in player input
-removed diagonal attacking algorithms in AI component
-removed diagonal attacking states in actor.cs
-removed diagonal projectile/attack states in ALL actor classes
-removed updating, creating diag projectiles in fx manager -removed game obj projectile DIAG defs
-sped up how quickly fireballs dissappear after being shot, different from arrows
-removed diagonal projectiles from sprite sheet
-set aside space across actor sheets for white dog companion
-fixed bug with equipped materia not dropping/corrupting state upon party leader death
-fixed additional bug with dropping objs not sorting correctly
-dropped objs now vary position when inventory is dropped upon actor death

-cleverly fixed another equipped materia bug related to using materia from the inventory screen
-setup persistent error catching on windows version of game
-added enemy boolean to game object
-checking for collisions with projectiles in fxManager
-projectile collisions against actors and pMembers are checked by projectile.enemy Boolean
-fxMan.shootProjectile() accepts enemy boolean
-updated all actor classes that shoot projectiles to pass enemy booleans

-fx manager projectiles exclude impacts with gameObj of type.consumable
-AIcomponent collision checks exclude gameObj of type.consumable
-added fire materia def (gameObj.cs)
-cleaned up HUD manager creating alot of garbage points in it's draw call
-refactored HUD manager in prep for magic handling
-fixed bug that reset HUD back to sword icon after attack despite party leader actor type
-cleaned up constructor of player.cs class to reduce garbage creation on xbox 360
-magic cooldowns recharge in player.cs update, only recharge if actor is non null, only charge up to 100,000
-party leader recharge is set in player.update
-player input only checks against party leader recharge rate
-setup intial recharge rate of 100 animation updates for fire materia
-in HUD manager's update,
-check to see if player.leaderMagicRecharge is filled up
-if so, display magic effect (fireball) sprite in Y slot (based on player.leaderEquippedObj.state)
-else, display recharging sprite based on filled amount (empty, -added code to player input to check for cooldown ready, set caster animation, cast spell via fxManager NSEW
-fixed bug with leaders currently equipped materia not changing
-fixed bug with inventory not emptying when materia is equipped
-fixed bug with equipping and swapping magic stones/materia

-working on intro cinematic: animating, lighting, rendering
-rerendered loading, won, quit screens
-changed msg screen background to white, text to black
-added new intro video to game
-added revised intro logo to game
-changed orange loading text to be black text on a white dialog bubble with drop shadow
-removed saturated glow from end screen images (win&quit)
-move "strange door" hit event further south to ensure collision exiting hallway
-fixed audio playing after main menu has been cued to start, will need a fade transition instead of abrupt end

-working on intro cinematic: animating, lighting, rendering

-working on intro cinematic: animating, lighting, rendering

-removed intro text, added start dungeon, introduction to game, popups
-one time popups overrule player input, message popup blocks game update/input
-created, added, linked up start dungeon, intro cinematic now aligns with starting level
-simplified town level, less houses, more secrets, actors indoors, actor dialog
-added start dungeon to load level screen in editor
-linked forest town temple directly to forest temple
-removed section of caves1
-exiting from forest temple links back to forest town
-exit to/from start dungeon works
-fixed bug with editor load level routines not resetting spawnIndex to 0
-added people to forest temple, chairs, tables, pew like setup, redesigned forest temple
-planned out, started previs on intro cinematic

-rendered gold items, variations of weapons, bomb, potions, scrolls, book, materia elements
-removed harmonia defend code
-removed harmonia defend sprites
-made presentation game obj, takes on the sprite of the gameObj loot presented to player from treasure chest
-now generating random loot from the loot library upon barrel or chest action
-barrels drop loot 100% of the time now
-removed player collision check with the fxManager.gameObjFx list
-fixed bug where diagonal projectiles would not hurt party members or other actors
-fixed minor bug with loot spawning
-added health potion (gameObj.cs)
-health potions can be picked up (player.cs), spawned (fxManager.cs)
-health potions can be used, have description (inventory screen.cs)
-fixed routines to pick up full hearts differently then regular inventory gameObjs
-all loot is now permanent to the level gamebj list
-upon death, party members drop their inventory
-created lootManager from fxManager, code refactoring
-destroyed barrels have negative sort (always underfoot)
-major planning of magic and materia system, implementation
-removed actor.inventory list


Thursday, February 20, 2014

ChangeLog update

Here is more raw 'done' data to gawk at:

-took screenshots of new levels, prepped images for posting to website & devblog
-added barrel break, dungeon switch, arrow shot sounds
-changed chicken sound to be silent wave
-changed all sounds used in game to be wavs (no mp3s)
-turned down music, adjusted sound fx levels
-centered restart text
-installed and tested msi afterburner for full frame 50fps HD video screen capture (works great, better than camtasia)
-updated website, dev blog

-fixed long standing bug with hud manager counting hearts and player HP WRONG
-fixed longstanding bug with inventory not using/dropping 4 inventory item
-Remade intro text as a static one time message screen when Game first runs (this is no longer a popup event)
-fixed bug where bushes were created instead of empty hearts when player was at max health
-fixed harmonia's attack recs to only be one frame
-added 1 hp to all actors initial health, making a total of 3 starting hearts
-reworked animation on action window, custom in/out sprites
-removed dialog pointer sprite from sheet
-added fxManager.playerDroppedObj(GameObject droppedObj), which adds a gameObj to theLevel.gameObjList
-added to player.cs check for collisions with empty hearts (pick up items from theLevel.gameObjList)
-added code to inventoryScreen so that we are using the fxMan.dropObj method instead of fxMan.spawnLoot method
-added code to fxMan.dropObj to create new gameObj for addition to gameObjList (due to the theListObj being an instance of an inventoryObj)
-gameObjs dropped by the player are now persistent and stay until picked back up
-updated player.cs picking up gameObjs, no checks for individual items, generic gameObj handling
-hearts and empty hearts no longer animated, just single frame sprites, saves much room
-planning of magic system/types/menu implementation/carrying/equipping complete
-planning of balancing, random loot, loot types/rarity complete
-planning of equipment, equipping/carrying equipment as inventory complete
-initial planning of gold currency
-massive art planning of mini bosses, overhaul of enemy sprite sheet planned as well
-changed support screen art to mini boss concept art
-changed loading screen to generic spaceview

-removed fx events, loot events from editor
-updated editor to handle resizing of all event rectangles
-added bouncing A button to MessageScreen, changed all button styles
-dropped message regarding locked doors, only sound plays now
-implemented optimization in player class (only checks actor collisions from level.drawList instead of entire level.actorList)
-created action window class
-action window class should have an instance that lives in player class
-sent actor dialog to messageScreen instead of dialog window
-created collision and proximity checks to cue action window for actors and exit events
-exit events are now an action item - player chooses to exit the level by pressing A
-popup events are now an action item too - player 'reads' by pressing A
-removed message manager class from game - superseded by action window class
-fixed party Members popping up floating dialog sprites (should be message screen)
-all game messages now routed to messageScreen
-added A button sprite to action window class
-created string to display various text on interaction (interact, read, exit)
-(kinda) fixed rendering bug where float position would render text strangely (rounded float whole number)
-re-redesigned AXBY buttons
-When touching a treasure chest, game now displays 'Loot' action window
-implemented code for "press A to open treasure chest"
-updated locked doors to display 'Locked' as action item window text
-updated check collision.rectangle against TheGame.levelManager.gameObjDrawList instead of theLevel.gameObjList
-updated A action in player.cs to check against lvlManager.drawLists instead of theLevel.completeLists
-updated A action to compare drawList switches to completeList switch doors (for opening switch doors)
-readded collision rec checks for invisible wall boundaries for some doors/exits (otherwise you walk into black infinity)
-remade dungeon exit collision rec to be centered to ground entrance
-fixed a bug with treasure chests that wouldn't popup action window (had to do with how action window is closed & boolean)
-Treasure chests are no longer animated (in prep for multiple treasure chest sprites)

-created message screen class (lower thirds black bar with text)
-added line wrapping, centering method for text, fade between text, to msgScrn
-removed loot events and fx events (these are handled differently now)

-Gold key given out deep in the ice temple, behind switch #2, from a chest
-Gold key unlocks Ice Temple Door
-removed all animated townfolks sprite data, repacked townsheet people into bkg sheet
-removed townsheet from texture manager, game (game now at est. 224mb ram)
-simplified all town actors to basic NPC (facing south) definition
-centered the adventurer's tale text on the end screen
-made cave floor more brown in color (closer to big rock color)
-Fixed defense check, can only defend against one direction
-updated AIcomponent & Player's attackActor() methods to check defense states
-refactored fxmanager's update to use checkProjectileCollision()
-projectiles are collision checked upon creation (resolves bug with new projectiles not hitting)

-completed end game screen, added 'you won' image
-added kickstarter image after won/quit image, code to handle transitions/fade sequentially
-reworked main menu screen & intro video, recompressed at lower bitrate for xbox360 playback
-changed loading screen imagery to more cosmic visuals
-created WON background image, reworked QUIT image
-reworked the end game screen to present a 'tale' about the player
-removed soul enemy
-added gnosis, tyche
-removed soul actor definition
-removed soul actor sprite sheet
-added enemies to dungeons, caves
-added treasure chests to dungeons, towns, caves
-only swordsmen defend now, theives/rogues do not attack
-the demo is very difficult to beat, and there are no mini bosses yet

-created original vectors of Standing Fire, and Fireballs
-created version 1 end game you quit image, added to end game screen

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Change Log Update for

Here is the change log (so far) for update

-removed fence gate gameobjects (closed & open)
-added new snow texture to snow land tiles
-removed carried bush sprite from sprite sheet
-created piles of snow 1, 2, snow rubble 1, 2
-piles of snow create a poof object, turn into snow rubble 1 or 2 upon cut
-fixed forest switch
-added desert switch, ice switch
-removed option to create on switches
-added collision check code for other dungeon switches
-levels linked up via exits and spawn events
-checked demo on xbox360, can complete game from start to finish
-created initial version of 'action window' sprite

-created mega rocks, reworked rock material/scene
-simplified a prototype NPC actor to barebones definition (removed animation states)
-megarocks 1-4 added into game, added to sand town
-added big cacti, cut cacti, small cacti 1, 2
-reordered editor game obj masterlist
-added cutting cacti functionality to player class
-created/redesigned sand town
-updated editor 'doors' creation routines to handle additions to door masterlist generically
-added desert temple entrance A&B, along with small pyramids to sand town
-big fir and sm fir added to game editor and winter town
-added ice well ladder, winterTower, winterVertWall, winterGate
-added winterHoriWall, winterNorthEndCap, winterSouthEndCap, winterEastEndCap
-added winterWestEndCap, ice temple entrance
-created/redesigned winter town
-added definitions for desert and ice temples (45+ gameobject definitions, alot of copy&paste)
-updated level decimate and polish methods to handle desert & ice dungeon tiles
-created basic layouts for forest, desert, ice dungeon levels
-basic 8 demo levels completed (!!!)

-implemented .dispose() upon loaded songs
-swordsmen have slower attack, smaller attack radius, longer attack pause (they were brutal)
-updated core engine to allow for throttling of level actorsList animation & updates (faster gameplay, enemies, allies)
-realized this throttling allowed for a unique 'time slowdown' effect, plans made for Time Hyle (materia)
-documented level manager
-added in cave tile sorting to level manager
-removed editor defs for all dungeon floor tiles except for 1
-redefined dungeon floor tile 1 to cell 5,25
-defined desert, ice dungeon floor tiles as well
-removed all levels, redefined entire demo level set (8 levels)
-load level screen handles all level instances
-level manager's load level check handles all level instances
-updated game over screen to restart game
-updated game to have a resetGame() method
-updated end game screen to reset game data, and .dispose of it's sound effect song as well
-party members that die now dissappear once you leave the level (they will have to be resurrected instead)
-this leads to a progression of Healing powers (heal, revive, resurrect)
-fixed bug with sound that led to play hit sound playing instead of hit shield sound
-fixed bug that would drop a heart when the player died, resulting in a health of 1, but also still dead

-modeled and rendered:
forest temple entrance, ladder, trap door ladder, desert temple, ice temple, ice well ladder,
big ice temple walls, gate, ice temple entrance, crumbled end caps, fir tree, fir bush,
desert pyramid entrance, small pyramid
-fixed bug in editor that drew asset viewer sprites over prev/next buttons, making it difficult to work
-added forest temple entrance, ladder, trap door ladder game objects
-remade Forest Town
-went to Magnatite show

-AI component's archer attack has smaller value for diagonal check
-AIcomponent checks between archer/piras/tyche and melee
-archer diagonal checks made even smaller
-Gnosis no longer state locks when trying to attack diagonally
-fixed long standing HP bug causing actors to only die when they have negative HP instead of 0 HP
-moved save game data into Game class, instead of TheoremGame class.
-TheoremGame is now destroyed before EndGameScreen is created.
-fixed bug tracking death in stats
-fixed major bug that caused end game screen to corrupt xbox
-re-re-redesigned the levels, now there are 10
-finalized the map and style
-version 0.0.48 released to inner circle

-removed walking sounds, ambient level sounds
-added 5 songs, processed as songs by mediaPlayer
-noticed the update clock go from 1ms to 14ms. UNACCEPTABLE!
-mediaPlayer code removed
-mono wavs @ 22050 used instead as soundEffect.fromStream
-Changed "todo sound" to be chicken sound
-rewrote how endgame is tracked
-rewrote how game stats are tracked
-end game screen STILL BRICKS xbox 360 to black screen, no input (total crash)
-fixed Pause screen bug pushing audio to 100% volume
-Tyche fires faster, animation is faster
-Archers fire slightly faster too
-noticed archer AI completely messes up melee AI, will need to update AI
-want to expand/redesign base level system, making silver key optional, dungeons easier to access

-revised and mocked up illustrations for end game screen, will model and render later
-planned out low poly standing fire and fireball 'look'
-changed enemy count in dungeons, changed enemy search radius to combat off screen kills
-changed piras' maxHP, speed, attack, search radius
-updated Editor to handle gameobjects generically (easier to add new gameobjects)
-added new gameobjects: gravestones 1-3, bone piles 1&2
-completed v1 of The Graveyard, a sub area of Path1 containing ghosts, gravestones, and bones
-added critical path grey tiles for dungeon2
-added additional paths to path1
-created torch, stone lamp, & standing fire game objects, spread throughout dungeon levels
-created fireball gameobjects, piras casts fireballs now
-dead actors sort normally, no more conflicting overlap on ground layer
-changed Tyche's attack to originate from her animation state
-Added diagonal arrows & fireballs (fx manager, tyche, archer, piras)
-Updated input/player & AIcomponent to fire projectiles diagonally
-changed diagonal arrow collision recs to be small square cause I'm lazy it's somewhat accurate
-got music for game! planning of songs to levels done

-fixed minor Inventory Screen bug that drew a line of white pixels when empty sprites were scaled above 1.0
-added basic End Game Screen, tells player if they won or quit when quitting or defeating Boss
-added tracking of total time played in game
-added tracking of total enemies killed in game
-added tracking of total ally deaths in game
-added tracking of total chests looted in game
-completed initial planning of End Game screen v2 with background image

-aaaaaaaaaaand the games fixed on the xbox360 :) (out of memory error processing large town.cs level)
-added 4 townsfolk actors to town area, along with basic dialog
-added new enemy type: swordsman
-added new enemy type: archer
-filled out dungeon levels with tons of enemies
-added boss: piras, not fully functioning yet (no fire)
-added GODMODE to editor (invincibility and wall clipping)

-all level redesign complete, levels smaller, linked together by underground cave system
-fixed double level loading bug
-fixed level sorting bug
-fixed main menu input bug
-removed large, stupid, ugly dungeon entrance
-treasure chests now spawn loot based on their ID
-made 3d key game object, added to game spritesheet
-fx manager now spawns KEY based on chest ID 99 (flips Key Boolean too)
-key is shown as icon next to HUD on top left, drawn based upon Key Boolean
-player can now unlock locked door leading to dungeon1
-when player picks up key, message pops up telling them of it's importance
-when player collides with locked door, message pops up talking about locked door and needing key
-removed animated key sprite, only need the static key sprite
-gameobject IDs now control relationships between switches and switch doors in dungeons
-implemented multiple switches on dungeon level 1
-made other dungeon floor tiles better (art++)
-townsheet repacked
-aaaaaaand the game's broken on the xbox 360 :(

-created 6 of 8 levels - however, levels are too large and tedious to navigate
-redesign of demo levels commences, sigh

-addition of item description text to inventory screen
-completed pickup, use, drop inventory input events, new inventory screen fully integrated into game
-initial idea for help videos planned out
-changed select leader screen to be gold spinning upside down pyramid selector
-updated: select leader screen only shows up if at least two party members exist
-when a party member joins the team, a popup message displays their acquisition
-popup.cs class updated to handle transitioning party leader into idle state
-fixed bug with inventory screen only using 1 inventory instead of each party member's inventory
-changed HUD to fade in, updated face & weapon HUD art for each party member, HUD icons change per party member
-minor art revisions
-redesigned demo dungeon levels 1 & 2 to better accomodate multiple playthroughs, more challenging
-added the basic 8 level definitions, linked up in level manager and editor

-rewrote paused screen class, added background window sprite
-rewrote debug/options screen class, added background window sprite
-created 'are you sure' screen, warning the player that game progress will be lost upon quit
-worked on seamless transition from AreYouSure screen to MainMenu screen
-revised graken studios intro video, trimmed it down, pleased with animated text effect
-fixed minor issue with popup class, glitched background sprites at 0,0
-revised title screen animation timing, faster in/out text animation
-re-org of cinematics into separate directory, dev folder now 730mb
-initial planning/sketches of potential 'overworld map' art style
-wrote inventory screen 2, 8 diamond sprites surround the player now

-feature planning for completed
-fixed bug that would crash program if start or enter buttons were spammed constantly at title screen
-implemented save state in game.cs
-fixed longstanding defense bug having to do with state transitions to and from idle
-rewrote keyboard input, changed keyboard control scheme

-Version published
-Change log created upon this public release.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Work on has begun

There are many things planned for, the biggest of them being a complete redesign of the levels to align with the story and cinematics. In addition to that, many other enemy types and townsfolk are to be added (they are already modeled), along with additional items, potions, scrolls, spells, a basic animal NPC, reloading last save point, redesigned menus, and full keyboard input support.


Monday, January 20, 2014

Theorem Gets a Free Website

Well, it had to happen eventually:

I've gone with Weebly for a free website + design.
I'm planning on setting up a Dropbox, Gdrive, Copy, Skydrive, and Box cloud accounts to share the demo.
We'll see how that all works out. It should serve the needs of the game.
Also, official contact info: theoremdev (at) gmail (dot) com.

Tons of New Images

Ok, ok, ok... it's been too long since I've shown what the game looks like.. so here are a bunch of screen captures (no video just yet)..

New Title screen (more in line with the cosmic nature of the game):

Introducing our 4 characters in game:

Houses have evolved and now look better:

The interior of houses now have living items like beds, tables, chairs, shelves:

A cave level! What could be in these caves?

Cave Enemies! Introducing The Thief:

Sometimes things don't go as planned and your party members die:

Basic Loot! Here our hero acquires an empty heart from a treasure chest:

Still under construction, this is a basic inventory screen, showing items, their descriptions, and ways to interact with them (use or drop):

Under construction too, a basic character stats screen:

A DUNGEON LEVEL! With a closed door and barrels:

The door has been opened by stepping upon the switch! What madness is this?

Inside the dungeon level, enemies abound:

So, so, so much more coming soon..

Hard at Work

An updated picture of the cast...

working on getting the demo to a point where I can screencap it and share.