Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Editor and Building Work

Lots of progress.

First up, I switched out the main menu screen, so it looks a little nicer.

Then I added in buildings. But not just buildings, I added in destroyed buildings as well.
Buildings can be blown up partially, or completely. Specifically, walls can be blown up.
When a standing building collapses, the ceiling collapses as well, creating additional debris (not shown):

Ceilings automatically become transparent when you enter a building:

Finally, I worked on the editor a lot. I did many things, but one important thing I did was to add a shortcut to zoom out for a nice level screen shot:

You can also see the editor main menu items in the above screenshot. Glad I finally figured out what the main menu of the editor needs to be.
Now I can start filling in the missing sections and working towards a 'complete level'.
I also dissected how much RAM the game is currently using, and set estimates/projections on how much RAM the game will use when operating at peak.
Everything is within expectations, and the game should never dip below 60 fps.
Very soon I hope to have enemy and ally actors in the game, giving the player something to interact with.
I've also defined what the game's "Demo" is, which has helped me to put the game's main storyline in a better perspective.
The Demo will be free, the Game will cost a few dollars (less than $10) and be available for xbox 360 and PC, thru Steam.
I'm planning to use the Steam Greenlight feature, and publish on the xbox via the Xna Creator's Club.
Depending on how Xbox One and PS4 handle Indie development, I may port to those consoles.
However, after becoming familiar with the limitations of the xbox 360, I would probably prefer to scale the game up to match next-gen hardware.
We'll see where the road paved with good intentions takes us.


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