Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Levels and More Editor work

Levels are linked up and load very quickly.
The maximum level size is around 9000 tiles, which is due to an issue with the xbox loading a list larger than 9000 items.
I'm not sure if that is a fixable bug, but for now I'm just working around it.
I also completed some algorithms that complete building the transition tiles between dirt and other ground tiles, like grass and desert.
Essentially these algorithms create and place the diagonal, corner, and straight pieces around basic land tiles.
These algorithms reduce my amount of work to simply creating basic tiles over dirt tiles.
These algorithms also remove any duplicate tiles, allowing me to be very sloppy in the way in which I add tiles.
These routines basically cleanup and sanitize the level data before the level data is written to disk.

I also randomized the final placement of the collapsed bushes. I will need to create bush stumps now, so they should be missing in build
I've got a bunch of game objects to be added next, so the environments should start looking more filled out.

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